#157 ugh

18 1 8

So I went to lake texoma with my friend this past week and it sucked. We kinda just sat around, ate food, and played cornhole (which I'm amazing at btw I'm kinda like a god ya know?) She also fought with her mom a lot which was great. Oh and not to mention, I spent 5 days getting a boating license to drive a jet ski before we left and didn't even get to do that. Only thing I enjoyed was the dogs we played with, entertaining a 6 year old named Malcom (so flippen adorable ahhh), and oh I forgot to mention I got to ride on the back of  a jet ski (not drive it)  and we fell off and had to swim  back to it.  (Highlight of the trip if I do say so myself). All in all it was okay. It didn't totally suck but it kinda did. Well it sucked enough to make me have a mental breakdown in my bathroom when I got home but we're gonna ignore that. I don't know how to feel anymore to be honest I think and read too much into things. Sorry I'm rambling. Hope you enjoyed my messy ass thoughts that I had to get out. Remember to stay the bad ass bitch you are.

Listen to cavetown :)



And twenty one pilots is messing with us (happy one year betches)


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