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Seven days later...

Ȧ̴̧͖͍͙̺̠̳͈̏̽̀̽̚͘͝n̷̡̧͙͍̗̩͑̃̅ẗ̸̘̬̻́̓̊̆̓ỉ̶̢͇̻̫͍̰̳̈́̿̏̈́͌̕͜s POV

"We need to kill them!" I said
"I know, a bullet will do it!" Dark replied.
"Yeah, but where's the fun in that?" I said, turning to the original Dark and Anti, trapped in the locked room. Their hands red from trying to get out. Dark turned to point a gun at them. I grabbed the pistol and emptied the magazine into the roof and dropped the magazine to the floor then threw the gun.
"Really Darky, you don't wanna have some fun?" I giggled.
"I do, let's go...."

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