Told you •2•

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I slowly turned my head, I wanted it to be him, but I also didn't want it to be him. If it was him I would have to face him, talk to him, that would only make this whole moving on thing harder. If it isn't him, oh what am I kidding, I know it's him. There is no denying that voice.

"Y/n," he said again once his brown eyes met mine. I wanted to run into his arms, kiss his lips, I just wanted to touch him. It was like we stood there staring at each other for hours when in reality it was only a few seconds.

"Shawn," I managed to choke out. I didn't even realize that I was standing up until I felt Shawn's arms around me. I immediately hugged him back tightly.

"I missed you so much." Shawn mumbled as he hugged me.

"Told you!" I pulled back from Shawn confused. Brittney was standing in the corner with red cheeks and a awkward smile.

"Sorry, continue." I laughed before looking back at Shawn. He had a small smile on his lips when he looked back at me.

"I'm so sorry, I made a huge mistake. I thought that breaking up would be better for the both of us, but I was wrong, so wrong. I have been a wreck without you, I've missed you so much. I know you probably won't take me back, but-." I cut Shawn off.

"Its okay Shawn." He looked at me with hope in his eyes. "I've missed you too." I confessed.

Uhhh so Idk how to end this, so uh here. Anyways this whole solar eclipse thing was such a bummer. Where I live you can barely tell, like I seen everybody's Post on instagram, (@kennedymichelle18 😉), and it looks so cool, but where I live in Georgia it sucks lmao. I'm not complaining tho cause I got out of school at 12:00 instead of 3:00 sooo it cool.

ALSO there is this girl in 8th grade that wants to fight me bc I "stole" her bf even tho he's my ex, the guy I was partnered up with in my agriculture class, I don't even talk to him, and she accused me of flirting with him. So this bitch ended my relationship with this other guy by telling him I was flirting with her bf. Now they are broken up, and I keep getting told the girl was talking shit about me at the football game saying she was going to fight me. This girl got into a fight last year, so I'm not gonna even say she can't fight, but like I'm gonna get my ass beat if she does 😂

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