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It's around 8:30 in the morning, and I wake up to the noise of a door closing and flash in my face.

(That was me ^^^)I open up my eyes and see Daniel laying next to me

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(That was me ^^^)
I open up my eyes and see Daniel laying next to me.
'What the fuck happened last night, I don't remember anything.' I told Daniel

'You don't remember?' Said Daniel in a confused tone

'Who just left?' I asked as I observed the room

'Jack. I'm guessing you don't really remember.' Said Daniel

'I only remember dancing, and after that just was just a blur.' I told Daniel

'Well I don't know how to tell you, but You, Jack, and me-' said Daniel

'Did we have a fucking threesome?' I asked

'You can say.' Said Daniel while staring into my eyes

I was in L.A. For less than 24 hours and I already got it on with two guys, and on top of that it was at the same time. What else?

All of the sudden Daniel pulls me into his chest and I wrap my arms around his back. He gives me a peck on my forehead. Then, Logan opens the door and says 'Scarlett, Ayla has been waiting for you to come home since last night.'

'Shit! Ayla must be pissed at me!' I say as I break free from Daniel's hug

I get out of the bed and I feel a breeze by my thighs. FRICK! I'm butt naked, and on top of that Zach just walked in too. I go back into the bed, and I see Daniel, Logan, and Zach's faces turn all red. Zach and Logan leave and close the door. Out of nowhere Daniel laugh's and lifts my shirt up.

'Daniel I need to leave, and I don't know where my clothes is!' I tell Daniel as I slap his hand

I get back up and look under the bed and find my underwear, shoes, and a mans hoodie.

'Who's sweater is this?' I ask Daniel

He answers 'That's my sweater.'

'I'm going to borrow your sweater, and who's shirt am I wearing?' I tell Daniel

'That's Jack's shirt.' Says Daniel

I take off Jack's shirt that I'm wearing and throw it at Daniel and put on my shoes and Daniels hoodie.

I take off Jack's shirt that I'm wearing and throw it at Daniel and put on my shoes and Daniels hoodie

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Daniel get up from the bed and goes to kiss me but I push him away.


'Fine, I won't touch you.' Says Daniel

I storm out the room and some awkwardness forms around Zach, Logan and I.

'Can I ask you something?' Says Zach

'Yeah, I heard you were hangry. Wanna get Starbucks?' Asks Zach

'Sure, but only for awhile or Ayla will whip my ass.' I tell Zach in all seriousness


Zach grabs my hand and takes me to the uber he already got. He opened the door for me and got in the back with me. We talked about Starbucks the whole time until we got their. We got out of the car then I see...


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