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I woke up around 3 in the morning to the noise of a girl crying. 'What the shit?' I thought. So, I went downstairs to see my managers daughter Aspen on the couch. Which was here 2 weeks ago.

'Aspen, why are you crying. In not your house?' I ask

'Why didn't you tell me Jack was cheating?' Aspen asked while sniffling

'I thought you said you guys weren't a thing...' I told Aspen

'You fuck, we went on 3 dates while I was here.' She told me

I just left her on the couch crying, I had enough bitch drama this month.


I wake up around 8 to the noise of a girl and a guy laughing from the kitchen. I go to the kitchen and see a very pretty girl on the counter being feed strawberries by Jack. I automatically go ballistic.


All of a sudden there's no more laughing.

'Aspen...' he quietly says

'That's all Jack! Why are you cheating on me?' I  yell at Jack

No one says anything for a while. The girl pushes Jack away from her and leaves the house.

'What the fuck, headass.' Says Jack

'Jack you're the headass, you knew I was coming yesterday, and you knew I would tell your 'girl'.' I said

He rubs his head and acts fucking stupid for 5 minutes, before I got done with his shit and left.

'I'm so done with those boys.'  I kept telling myself, before the girl I saw earlier at the boys' house pull up on me.

'What the hell is wrong with you, you knew Jack was taken.' Said that girl

'I actually asked Jack if he was single and he said yes, so don't blame me.' I told the girl

She looked up and down at me and said 'Want a ride?'

'Sure.' I told their girl

I got into her car and we started asking each other questions like our name, age, etc. After all, she seemed really nice but I was still bummed that I was cheated on again. I really thought my life was in a good place, after my parents death and all the shenanigans.

She lowered the music and said 'Mall?'

'I could really go to the mall right now, and splurge on dumb shit.' I told Aspen

We both laughed and got to mall and talked about our weird Jack stories, and made fun of him until we felt like crying.

After a long, and much needed shopping day Aspen finally drove me home.

'Thanks Scarlett for an amazing day!' Aspen yelled

'Want to sleep over?' I asked Aspen

'I wish, but my dad is with the boys right now and I have to go back.' She says in a sad tone

'That's too bad, I'll text you later.' I tell her

'For sure!' She yells

That day was perfect, a day to myself with a friend and not a boy. I really wish I could just reply that day over again.

I make it up to the apartment and open the door and see...

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