Chapter 1: Another Day, Another War

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Ink's POV: I wake up from my soft bed, my vision still hazy. I slowly get up from my bed and start walking to my closet, my bones aching. 'He' had really gone all out on me yesterday, we hadn't stopped fighting till midnight. 'He' was the one who caused me so much pain. 'He' was the one who destroys EVERYTHING I create......Error. He has always destroyed everything in his path, causing me to waste my magic to fix his mess. Mess's are pretty much the only thing he can create....( Oh huge burn Ink 😆) "Error....." I open my closet door and slowly change into my clothes and grab my paintbrush. " Why do you hate everything about me..."

Error's POV: I sit up dazed, looking around at my boring home in the endless void. Bored I take out one of my dolls and toy with it ( No it's not those kinds of dolls you nasty sinners ) sticking needles into it and wrapping my strings around it. It was a doll of one of the Au sanses. Fell was his name or something like that....I couldn't care less. Besides why would I care about something that was created by my worst enemy.....Ink. He has created so many different universes and worlds that it's hard to keep track of how many he's made. "Stupid little skittle!" Why must he create such  disgraceful pieces of crap! They have no point no meaning...they are all  nuisances! "Ink...." I open a portal to one of Ink's creations and jump through it. "Hope you've healed up rainbow piss because it's time for another battle!"

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Yay I'm finished! Sorry if this is so short I'm writing this at like 11:00 P.M on a school night. Thanks for reading though. *throws cookies* Congratulations you survived! See you in the next chapter.

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