Chapter 6: I'm just gonna snoop a little.....

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Error's POV: I was still sitting on the endless void. I was still thinking about my 'little' encounter with Ink. Ink was crying his heart out in front of me, and his teary eyed face was a clear painted image in my head. Wait..... AM I ACTUALLY FEELING BAD FOR INK!?!?!? I mentally and physically slap myself. No Ink is my enemy. I can't care for my enemy! .......but maybe I can check on him..... Ugh damn my thoughts I'm just gonna do it! I open a portal to Outertale and jump through it and pull my hood over my head (Don't ask me why Ink, Dream, and Blue live in Outertale, they just do). I can already tell where he lives because their house was the most colorful and I saw him and Dream burst out the door and run in the opposite direction. (Coincidence or na?) 

Well I guess he's doing just fine. I was about to turn around and leave until I saw that they hadn't closed their door back. ....... Well I guess they wouldn't mind me looking around, I mean they would've closed the door if they didn't! I quickly run inside the house and shut the door behind me. Looking around I notice that their livings actually look like any normal house. Well, except the whole house smelled like.... tacos? Ugh whatever. I walk up the stairs and look around. There were three doors. One was painted on the front like a sort of galaxy which I was guessing was Dreams. The second was covered with blue and white stars, which was Blue's. The last one was rainbow colored.....Ink's door.I simply stared at it. My mind was saying to leave him his privacy, but my curiosity got the best of me. 

I opened his door and turned the lights on. Dang for an artist his room surely wasn't the cleanest. A lot of papers were either in a stack or scattered across the floor. I accidentally stepped on one of his drawings. I picked it up and it was a picture of him, Dream, and Blue. It looked so realistic as if they would just jump out at you. I started looking at a few more of his drawings. Some where of him and his friends and others were of the different AU sanses. One stood out to me the most because it was a drawing of me and Ink holding hands. 

I lightly blushed yellow. At the top it wrote "If Only..". Guess he did want to actually start a friendship with me....and I turned him down and said I hated him. Ugh god now I feel like a jerk! Well, more then I usually feel I mean have you seen me? Soon, I hear the door creak and I turn around to see Ink with a shocked expression. I smirked. "Bet you didn't expect to see me here now did ya' skittles?"


*looks at profile*

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Word Count: 524 words

A Truce Old Friend?(Error x Ink)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin