5. School

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"Clang" "Clang"

The first thing I hear when I wake up is the sound of something metal be banged together. I open my eyes seeing Jake and Logan walking around my room banging pans.

"I'm up! I'm up!" I shout "you can stop making noise now" I wipe the sleep from my eyes.

They leave my room in silence. I get up and go take a shower with downtown by Macklemore playing. After my shower, I get ready for my first day of school.

Satisfied with my appearance, I walk out of my room and grab my camera to see the boys making pancakes

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Satisfied with my appearance, I walk out of my room and grab my camera to see the boys making pancakes.

"Hello Megagang, today is a very special day, I AM attending SCHOOL!" I shout into the camera "All jokes aside I'm thankful that I get to go to school, even though it might not seem like it. Besides we all know girls are dangerous but a girl with a degree is a straight up killer" I make my way over to the table "besides my amazing brothers" I show the camera my brothers in the kitchen "Are making me..."

"PANCAKES!" Jake interrupts placing my food down in front of me.

"Thanks, Jakey" I smile like a little kid and start to dig in.

"Don't thank him, Mom made us make them for you," Logan tells me "And hurry up or you're going to be late". As soon as he finishes his sentence I cram the last pancake in my mouth.

I place the plate in the kitchen and run to my room so I can brush my teeth. When I'm done we, all grab our cameras vlogging "this would make a really great photo" I comment smiling.

(time skip to the car)

"We are in the car on my way to school and I'm just a wee bit nervous" I confess to the camera.

Logan turns around facing me "You'll do fine" he assured me.

"LOGAN! EYES ON THE ROAD!" Jake yells at him.

"Right" Logan whips his head back, facing the road and controls the swerving in between lanes.

"That's if we make it of course" I joke, lowering my voice so only the camera and I can hear it. The rest of the car ride is us talking to the camera and playful sibling banter. We pull up into the drop-off lane "alright see you, boys, later" I wave them goodbye turning towards the camera "Y'all ready for this?".

I hop out of the Yeti and walk towards the school entrance. I can hear people whispering behind my back. I continue walking until I realize that I have no clue where I'm going. I look around trying to spot someone to point me in the right direction. Then I see a boy and a girl leaning against lockers whispering and staring at me.

I decide to approach them "Hi I'm Megan, I'm new and I have no clue where I'm going. Could you help me out?" I ask.

"Oh. my. gosh, your HeyItsJustMegan!" the boy gushes, jumbling my name together.

"What my friend Elliot means to say is, yes we would love to help you." The purple haired girl clarifies.

"Thank you so much, do you mind if I vlog you guys?" I gesturing to the camera.

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