18. The MegaGang Sucks

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I wake up to my phone dinging constantly, I reach over groggily scrolling through the twitter notifications on my lock screen.

@User 1: @HeyitsjustMegan Yo! @jakepaul just released a diss track against you!

@RandomJakePauler: @Jakepaul This song is fire! @HeyitsjustMegan you can top this shit!

@MegaGang4Life: @HeyitsjustMegan WAKE-UP @jakepaul Just released a diss track against you and @LoganPaul

I roll my eyes and get out of bed, I open the door seeing Logan and his team pacing back and forth. I need caffeine before I even try and comprehend what's happening, I silently make my way over to the coffee machine pouring me a cup. I lean against the counter silently observing the mayhem before me. After I've finished my cup of coffee, I set it near the sink and walk over to my pacing brother.

"Logan" I grasp his shoulders trying to keep him still "Calm down. What's wrong?"

"Have you've seen the diss tracks?!" He asks urgency edging in his voice

"No?" I try and piece things together with the tweets from earlier and this new information "What diss tracks?"

"Jake released his promised diss tracks against us, TODAY!"

"Really?" I ask astounded, usually, it takes two days minimum to make a diss track

"Yeah, video and everything" he nods his head.

" Wow" I take a moment "Is it any good?"

"I don't know I haven't seen it yet" He replies

"Okay then let's watch it and then we can make act okay" I run a hand through my ruffled hair, making a plan.

He nods his head and turns away saying something about needing to go to set. I take in a breath as everyone leaves. I walk back to my room and start to gather everything I need like my camera, tripod, and computer. I set everything up on my desk, I catch a glimpse of my hair in the mirror. I finger comb it into a neater bun and start to record.

"What's up MegaGang! Welcome back to my channel, if your new hear hit that red subscribe button and the bell" I start my intro " If you guys don't know my brother, Jake Paul released a diss track against both me and Logan... so let's get into it" I pull up Logan's diss track first. I start to scrub through his vlog getting right to the song.

"Hah, sorry Logan I have to diss you You started it But I'ma finish this Also, I did this in one day"

I scrunch my face up feeling the bass boosted beat, as he starts the intro to the song.

"Help me help you make a better song bitch Numbers don't lie, the Logang is shit"

"Two things, one he has more subscriber than you and second you can't really disrespect another person's fandom, especially if they support you to" I hit the space bar

"And Why Don't We is the Walmart One Direction "

"No. Two different groups. And nothing about that group is Walmart in any way" I speak over the song.

"The Jake Paulers on top and we stay flexin'" as the first verse starts "You know is Team 10

And you know I stay reppin'"

I nod my head to the beat

"Why all your vlogs look like mine, reflection"

"Okay I like that lyric its a good line"

"I see you talking trash About the song we made We did it in one day

You had to spend 60K"

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