13. The Date pt 2

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Logan's P.O.V

I open the door and see a boy who I assume is the infamous Zander.

"Hi I'm Zander Anderson," He reaches out to shake my hand.

I grunt and lead him to the couch, "Sit" I order, and he does. As soon as he has sat down the boys and I surround him, we all have our arms crossed. He looks nervous, all I can think is good be afraid be very afraid.

"I'm Logan, Megan's older brother and this is Jake her other brother" I introduce myself and point to Jake.

"Let's have a little chat shall we," Jake says sitting across from him.

Megan's P.O.V  

"I think I heard a knock on the door," I say.

"Don't talk" Erika scolds me putting on my eyeliner "Tessa can you go see who was at the door" Erika instructs Tessa. I hear the door close, assuming it was Tessa.

Tessa P.O.V

I was just scrolling through Instagram when I hear a knock at the door. "I think I heard a knock on the door" Megan, who has been silent for half an hour speaks up. Erika scolds her, then instructs me to go check it out. I walk out of the room, making sure I close the door. I see the boys pretending to be intimidating in a circle, assuming that Megan's date is here I make my way through the circle and see Logan and Jake threatening the poor boy.

"Hi you must be Zander" I smile reaching out my hand, he shakes it "I'm Tessa" I introduce myself.

"Uh... Tessa" Jake looks at me hinting for me to get lost.

"Give me a sec" I smile at him, but when I turn back to Zander I put on my game face.

"Listen here if she comes home and she has not been treated the way she deserves, which is a fucking princess by the way, forget these guy" I point at the boys "I will personally come after you myself, and if I do which you better pray that doesn't happen, your worst nightmares will look like fairy tales after I'm done with you. You understand" I sneered. He looks at me wide-eyed and nods his head.

"Good, I'm glad we're on the same page." I stand up and head back towards Megan's room.

"Who was it" Ayla questions when I walk back into the room.

"Zander" I reply scrolling through my feed.

"Really" Erika looks up from curling Megan's hair, "Tessa do you mind finishing curling Megan's hair, Ayla and I have to go get some water," she asks, I nod my head and her and Ayla stand up, heading out the door.

Erika's P.O.V

"Zander I'm Erika" I introduce myself walking through the boys and sitting in front of him.

"And I'm Ayla" she has her game face on.

"Now I'm not going to be nice, we've spent hours finding the perfect outfit, doing hair and makeup" I start " And if her mascara is running because her tears are falling from her eyes,"

"We will become worse than a demon that crawled its way up from hell" Ayla threatens.

"You seem like a smart boy, Zander" I continue "treat her right or will give you more than a fright" I pause "Speaking of which where are you taking her" I interrogate the boy.

"7-71 a-a-above" He stutters.

"If this isn't the best date ever there will be hell to pay, you hear us" Ayla threatens.

He nods his head "Good" I smile and we walk back to the room.

Megan's P.O.V

"So Tessa who's at the door?" I ask her when Erika and Ayla left.

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