19. The Fall Of...

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    My body feels like it's filled with static. The fuzzy feeling radiates from my toes to my head. "Megan?" I let my lids slowly lift and get accustomed to my bathroom light. "Megan?" I hear a voice echo into the bathroom. Everything comes back to me and hits me like a train.

"The box!" The voice screams in my head, I wince at the volume.

"The box get the box"

Still confused about what the voice means, I scan the tiles looking for anything that resembled a box or container. That's where I find it, a white box tucked in a corner by the shower. I thought I had thrown the box away when I moved, I didn't pack it.

    "Just like all your mistakes, they'll always find you"

"Just shut up!" I tell myself. I reach towards the box and my arm vibrates with pain. Looking down I notice the red additions to my skin, the tears press against my eyes but refuse to fall. Leaving me with the sour pressure behind them.

    "Did you really think you could escape?"

I shake my head, trying to shake the voice out. Why couldn't I move on? My answer was already there, I just didn't want to see it.

    "You don't deserve it"

The pressure releases and so do the tears. The voice was right, I don't deserve to move on, this is where I belong. This feeling of comparing, second-guessing and belittling myself this- this is where I belong.

    "MEGAN!" The voice I know is Logan's comes closer to my room.

"Shit" I curse out loud to myself.

    "Hide the box!" The voice screams

I scramble to pick everything up, I cram the box and all the contents all under the sink. The footsteps became louder and I hear my bedroom door opening.

    "Your arms" the voice whispers harshly.

"I know! Dammit!" I curse at myself again. My shirt isn't long enough to cover my arms, I hurriedly scanned the room for something to cover my arms up.

    "Megan?" I hear a couple of raps on my bedroom door.

    Letting another string of obscenities, failing to find something to cover up with, I get crafty. Taking a towel and wrapping my hair up in it, staging it like I just got out of the shower. I made it look like believable by the time logan is knocking on my bathroom door.


    "Yess," I say opening the door, just so my towel wrapped head is peeking out of the door.

    "Hey... sorry, I didn't know you were showering. When you're done, I want to talk to you"

    "Sure thing big bro" when he turns around, I close the door, letting out a sigh of relief. I get the towel off of my head and place it back on the wrack. I look over the counter for my phone, I mentally cross my fingers to find it not dead. By the sink I find the familiar block, the screen black, I tap the screen and my wallpaper lights up.

I calendar reminder pops up:

"Music.ly event at three" I mumbled as I read it out. Figuring that it won't make sense if Logan here's me taking another one when I supposedly just got out of one. I rush through my makeup:

 I rush through my makeup:

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2019 ⏰

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