Chapter Twenty-seven

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Rose was getting more and more turned on. Dimitri's lips and hands were everywhere, and while he'd yet to put his hands beneath her nightdress again, it probably didn't mean much given it was hitched up near her waist, and she was pushing her uncovered crotch against his leg. She was losing herself in his kisses; reveling in his sensual touches and the very sexy manly noises he couldn't prevent as he nipped, kissed and sucked at her feverish skin.

They both hissed as one of his hands found its way to her ass, skating across the bare, unblemished skin before he squeezed her backside roughly. Even greedily. But far from finding it objectionable, Rose adored it.

"Yes," she whimpered needily against his chest, her hips bucking rhythmically as he kneaded at her ass, Dimitri rocking his hips in time with his firm squeezes.

Fuck, Belikov! You're meant to be letting her control tonight, he mentally castigated himself. He'd said he was happy to wait, and he meant it, but it was hard to hold back when he could feel the heat and wetness from between her legs on his thigh, and the way she kept rocking her hip against his shaft.

It was still difficult for him to believe they were here and she was all but naked in bed with him. In many ways, he considered tonight their first 'real' night together. The night at his house had been rushed and fumbled, and not to mention with some pretty serious consequences. Obviously, the night spent together at Rose's house had been all about love, comfort, and being together as they lost their little miracle. But tonight? Tonight was all about them.

Blissfully alone, tonight he wanted to take the time to show her how much he adored and revered her. He'd take it as far as she was willing, no further. And if this were as far as they went, he would still be the happiest man in America!

Watching as she bit her lips, silencing the moans he was sure would otherwise be escaping them, it was tempting to push further – do whatever it took to make her scream in pleasure. Rose cumming on his fingers had been unbelievably hot. He'd do a lot to see her lose herself like that again. But first, he had to be sure she wanted that.

Rose groaned, closing her eyes as she felt Dimitri's hand on her backside, his fingers skirting dangerously close to her core. Everything he was doing felt so good. She'd been unsure how far she'd wanted to go, but they were still well within where she felt comfortable, and in fact, she was eager to progress things a little further.

She remembered the night in his apartment – it had all been so rushed. Tonight she wanted to take their time enjoying one another. She smiled to herself, recalling Dimitri's frankly mesmerized look the first time he'd laid eyes on her breasts. Smirking to herself, she admitted he had a point. Her tits were pretty spesh! A D cup, she was a little larger than average – particularly when you took into account her comparatively small ribcage and stature. Pulling back slightly, she saw Dimitri's slightly concerned expression disappear as soon as her nightie did too.

"That's better, isn't it Comrade?" she cooed, running her hands across her full breasts tantalizingly, goading him to emulate her actions. Her inviting expression parted lips, and exultant little gasps were all the invitation he needed.

"Yes," he agreed gruffly, his eyes momentarily riveted to her pale twin globes, before covetously traveling the length of her body and back up again. Lying naked on the bed, Roza was a sight to behold. He rolled towards her, lowering his head to kiss her breastbone, rubbing his cheeks against the delicate skin of her breasts. He felt her shiver as little goosebumps puckered the perfection of her skin.

"Cold, milaya?" he asked.

"A little," she murmured, still grasping his head against her bosom, her fingers entwined around the thick dark strands of his hair. Even there he was manly, his hair thicker and coarser than her silky dark tresses.

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