Chapter 3

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I woke up and this amazing smell hit me it was the best thing ever, it smelled like chocolate, I snuggled deeper into it and moaned while doing it. Damn I'm weird.

After a few minutes I heard a door opening and someone walking in. I lifted my head to look at the person who came in and it was my mate.

His face held this blank expression almost dangerous one. It sent shivers down my body but not the good ones, the scary ones.

"Go take a shower I will set some of my clothes for you, after you are done come to my office, It's down the hall to the left, mate" he said coldly. And left the room.

And my wolf whimpered at his tone.
'Have we done something?' My wolf Snow cried out.
'I don't know' I whispered sad also.
'What if he reject us?' She whimpered.
'I don't know' I said sadly.

I went to the shower and after that I put on the clothes he left for me, it was one of his hoodies because it smelled like him and some black leggings.

I went to his office like he said.
I opened the door and his head snapped to my direction. He was about to yell but when he saw that this was me but his eyes stayed like they were, hard and cold.

"Sit" he ordered. And I did, I was kinda afraid of him.
I looked at him waiting for him to speak.
He cleared his throat and spoke.
"Since you will be living here I want to go through some rules" he stated, I just nodded.

"First you will be staying in my room and in my bed, understood?" He asked looking me dead in the eyes. I just nodded again. My wolf was kinda happy that our mate wanted her to stay in his room.
"Second you will not talk to any unmated wolves without my permission unless it is an emergency, understood?" He asked like the last time.
I didn't agree with this, but I kept quite because I waskinda scared of him.
"And thirdly before you go somewhere you will tell me, where, with who, and for how long." I just nodded again.

"And lastly you will not cross the pack border, never unless you are with me or have my permission" he said with still hard eyes.

"That's all the rules, I hope you will follow them, if not there will be consequences " he said threateningly, I gulped in fear of my own mate, but still nodded.

"Okay now follow me I will show you the pack grounds" he said while standing up.

He took my hand, quite roughly I might add, and leaded me through the door.
We went downstairs.

"Okay this is the packs living room there they all chill and hangout" he said showing me around. It was cute there was two big couches and a lot of love-sacks they were in front of huge tv.

Next thing he showed me was the kitchen my favorite room.
"This is the packs kitchen. We have cooks so you don't have to worry about cooking" he said not even turning to me. And honestly this all cold act hurts both me and my wolf.

He went through the doors outside. And I followed him.
There was a lot of pack members playing around and stuff. When they saw their alpha they bowed their head and looked curiously at me.

He leaded through the field to the place I think all of them were training.
"This is the training spots. Over there we have kids, next to them teenagers, and adults. You will also have to train" he said while going to this bulk dude who was yelling at teenagers, I'm guessing he is training them.

We walked up to him and he bowed his head, his head turned to me.
"Luke, this is my mate Alexi, soon to be your Luna" he said with smile, I think it's the first time I saw him smile, it's breathtaking.
He turned to me.
"This my gamma Luke, he is responsible for training" he said with smile still on his face.

"Nice to meet you Luna" he said while bowing his head in respect.

"You too" I said with shy smile on my face.

We started walking again. Until we reached this building who was quite scary it had only one floor but I can tell that it had huge dungeons. I was thinking what this was, until this horrible smell hit me. It smelled like blood and death.

"This is pack prison" he said while motioning to the building.

After he finished showing me everything. We went to the house. And he quickly disappeared.
Well I assume there won't be any mate bonding.

I walked into the kitchen on the mission to find something to eat.

I made myself some ham and cheese sandwich, because I was really hungry I ate it in only a few bites.

After eating two more sandwiches I went upstairs. I was going to go to my room but I was passing my mates office and I smelled him and just couldn't resist to come in.

After I opened the door, the scene in front of me, broke my heart in million pieces......


Hey guys, I hope you liked it. I know it's really early but drama is coming.

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