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Chuck stared at the figure standing at the center of the stage, carelessly dancing with a wild and seductive grin. He was looking at her, jaw dropped, eyes darkened, subtle shivers going through his body.He admired all her curves, her curls falling down her almost naked body, just dressed enough to leave him wanting for more.

He wanted her. More than that, he craved for her with all of his body, from the top of his head to the tip of his toes he knew he needed her. She was a disaster, a poison that would shatter his every senses, leaving him to hear and touch and breath her in, to intoxicate himself in the bittersweet taste he knew would be the death of him. But he knew he had to, because even his soul, one that he was only knowing about the existence on that very moment, yearned for her and pulled him into yet another gasp from acknowledging how wonderful she looked up there, teasing him.

And when he finally touched her, he almost hesitated because he was suddenly afraid he would get burned. Because he could feel it, in the air and running through their veins, like they were made of gasoline and a kiss would be the match they needed to start a great fire.

But he didn't care. He did it anyway, and what came next was like a shattering, out of this world occurrence that he thought too good to be even possible.

But I'm getting ahead of myself.


Nathaniel Archibald was, as always, flawlessly handsome. Looking at her from the bottom of the stairs she was descending, he really would have looked like a prince. But there was something missing.

Sparks. There were no sparks. Some people might think that these things are extremely overrated, but not Blair. If you want magic, you need the sparks.

And magic was what she had always wanted.

He greeted her coldly. But she had it coming. 
And it was that lack of hope that told her that they were broken for sure.

Nate's parents showered her with compliments. The group chatted, but Blair was far from engaging in conversation. She wasn't even paying attention to what they were saying, eager for all of this to come to and end, until the subject shifted to the young couple. When they insisted that Nate should give her the "present", she immediately refused. As they insisted and she saw herself with a beautiful ring on her finger, all she felt was a twist in her stomach. Looking at the ring on her hand, she felt it more like a heavy burden that she just couldn't carry. She took it out as soon as she could.

Nate and the Captain excused themselves to take a quick smoke, while Eleanor and Anne continued engaged in conversation. After a while, they started wondering why the boys were taking so long to return. So Blair volunteered to go get them. She wanted to speak to Nate and try to understand what he was thinking. She wanted to clean the mess. But when she got there, she saw the Captain getting arrested while Nate made a call.

After some time, she recognized a limo approaching the building. Nate was going to get in.

-Nate! What's going on? - She said, approaching him. - Where are you going?

Nate jumped in surprise, not expecting her to be there.

-It's complicated... look, I don't have time for this, I've got to meet Chuck at his celebration and...

- I saw your father get arrested! Why didn't you come to me? I would have listened.

-I've tried, Blair. I don't know! I think a lot of things got in the way, you're always occupied with parties and...

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