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- This Chapter Will Be Short

"How the fuck did you let this happen?" Quincy snapped, staring down at where he had found Donnie's dead body a few days ago.

"How did I let this happen? No! How could YOU let this happen? I didn't want to be apart of this in the first place! I just wanted to see my grandchild and kids, but not like this!" Benita snapped, holding an ice pack to her head. She had been arguing with her husband for days and it was starting to give her a serious migraine.

"Why now? Why you want to see them now? You ain't been tryna see them so don't feed me no bullshit ass lies!" He spat. "Besides, they wouldn't want to see your ass if they knew what I knew."

"What are you talking about?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about! That weak ass baby daddy of yours!" He said. A few weeks before Darnell was murdered, he and Benita ran into each other and things went south quick:

Darnell walked out of Walgreen's with his medicine in one hand, and his phone in the other.

"Darnell?" He heard a familiar voice call out. He turned around and saw Benita walking up to him. "Well this is a nice surprise. How are you?"

"Tired." He replied, dryly. He looked Benita up and down, shaking his head at her. She aged over the years, but he couldn't help the fact that she was still beautiful in his eyes.

"I'm sorry to hear that. How are the kids?" She asked.

"What kids?" He questioned.

"Saint, Santwan, and Santana." He laughed.

"They're not kids anymore, Benita. They are all grown and doing quite well, no thanks to you." He retorted. She sighed, looking down at the pavement and licking her lips.

"I deserved that, but Darnell you have to understand...I wasn't ready to be a mom at the moment. When we met, you were supposed to be a one night stand, but who knew I'd get pregnant? With three babies nonetheless! I'm sorry I abandoned them and left them with you, but I just wasn't ready." She told him.

"And you think I was? Well I wasn't, but I stuck it through because it took two to tango! I love all three of them with every breath I have left in me and I sacrificed a lot so that they would be alright." He snapped.

"Darnell I'm sorry. I really am, but I can't change the past." She said..

"Yeah whatever." He strolled passed her, walking to his car and she followed him.

"Darnell wait!" She begged. "I want to see them." He stopped dead in his tracks and turned around.

"Say what?"

"I want to see my kids, Darnell. Please. I owe them an explanation on why I did what I did." She said.

"After seventeen years, you want to explain to them why you abandoned them after their sixth birthday party? Leaving me to console them while they cried for weeks, because you never came back! Having me write "from mom" on Christmas presents so they'd think you still love and care about them!"

"I do love and care about them!" She said, as tears filled her eyes.

"And yet where were you when they needed you? Especially Santana! She needed her mother and you were nowhere to be found!" He said.

"Darnell please. Just let me see them!"

"Take care, Benita." He said, getting into his car. He pulled off, leaving her standing there crying her eyes out.

Benita sighed, running her fingers through her hair. After that incident, she came home crying to Quincy and telling him to "take care" of the situation. And he did.

"I didn't want you to kill him! I wanted you to find out where my children were so I could go see them!" She snapped.

"I did that too. Their home address and phone numbers are in my office." He said.

"They're not gonna want to deal with me after this! Jesus Christ they probably think I kidnapped Christina and Santana!"

"I'm tired of talking to you. Where's QJ? I got a bone to pick with him." He growled, walking towards the bedroom.

"He hasn't came home since the day he shot Donnie." She told him. Quincy had been calling his son for days and QJ refused to answer any of his calls.

"Ima knock his lil ass out when I see him." Quincy grumbled.

"He could be with Santana." She said. "I could tell he liked her from the way he was acting when Donnie hit her with his gun."

"Life father, like son." He chuckled, knowing he would've done the same thing for his wife. "But he ain't with her. I know that for a fact." Unlike Benita, Quincy would do anything for his son and though he was pissed off about him returning Christina and Santana home, he was more afraid of a certain someone getting their hands on his son. He wasn't gonna let that happen. Not if he had something to do with it.

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