Chapter 1

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It was only a few days later after Kongpob had confessed to a sleeping Arthit. That's what he thought,that he was asleep and his words would only be heard by his fastly beating heart and the moon that was shining beautifully on his beloved senior's face.

After that night Arthit had stopped appearing before him leaving without saying a word and avoiding him at all costs.

Kongpob had sensed that something was wrong ,he hadn't been aswering his phone and neither his texts. It couldn't be that he heard him,right?
He was asleep. Was that the reason he was being ignored?

Kongpob tried to return his books to him as an excuse to meet him briefly and talk to him but he was meet with a very cold Arthit with an icy attitude.

He would never forget the coldness of those words as he heard them come out from Arthit's mouth while he was trying to hold on to his books in order to persuade him to stay and talk to him .He had so much to say.....

-" If you don't let go ,I don't want them" : Arthit said and left leaving behind a very hurt Kongpob.

But he still didn't give up. If anything he was going to confess his feelings properly. So when Arthit finally answered that unfateful phone call he was ready to pour his heart out but he was cut off mercilessly. With the beeping sound of the phone call ending his heart sunk and for the first time in a while he let himself cry to vent his frustration.

Days went by and became months , but they were still avoiding each other . Their school workload helped them with that very well . It was as nothing ever happened and that event didn't occur. At least that was what Kongpob thought and what Arthit let him believe.

The truth was Arthit was shaken. He wasn't brave enough to face his feelings. He was very confused and chose the easy way out: Denial.
He spent that night as well as many other sleepless nights .
He denied this newfound feeling and buried it deep inside his heart.
He knew his rejection destroyed the other person and that made his heart heavy with guilt so he used that to never approach Kongpob again .

As time flew by like the wind P'Tum wedding was in order and Arthit had to attend. It was the first time they had to see each other again and force themselves to act normal in front of everyone. And that was what they did . Kongpob was nothing more than polite at him with a hint of indifference and Arthit expected no less from him. He was always a calm and collected junior, very mature for his age but only snapped while facing Arthit and his imposing demeanor while hazing them.

Arthit had to admit that his behavior was impeccable and that ticked him off and left him with an uncomfortable feeling.
Damn that always so perfect "prince".
How was he so composed after making his mind such a mess.

After speaking to P'TUM at the wedding ceremony Arthit finally mustered some courage enough to actually talk to Kongpob and make sense of things . He was still very confused and insecure but he was going to take the chance to get to know Kongpob better.

He immediately went to the wedding venue but Kongpob wasn't there . He ran to the parking lot but he wasn't there either. Arthit missed him , Kongpob had left just 5 minutes before he went to find him.
He knew that because he met Fang on the way there . She told him that N'Kong had to leave early .

-Uhh... Arthit nodded at that but what she told him next left him shocked and speechless .
-"He had a late flight to catch. He accepted a scholarship to Japan and is leaving to complete his studies there."

As soon as those words registered in his mind Arthit was frozen. He had left ,he left without saying a word. Not that he needed to after the way Arthit treated him but it still left Arthit with a huge gap in his heart.

On the way to the airport Kongpob kept thinking about Arthit all the time. He was going to miss him terribly. He really had wanted to say a last goodbye to him but decided against it.
Being broken once was enough for him and he was sure Arthit wouldn't even notice him gone. He never paid attention to him after that and made it pretty clear that he didn't want him around .
Sighing to himself he let his mind wonder about that feisty but adorable senior whom he had fallen so deeply. His gentle smile,his harsh words but with a golden heart . He was a person with many layers and Kongpob had fallen for his short temper and all of him . He didn't regret loving him.
It wasn't easy but he was going to cherish that feeling inside his heart.
It wasn't anything wrong and he had tried to give his best.

People can't choose who they love,and you can't expect them to love you back either.


--"Arthit, oi Ai'Onn , are you there?"
A voice called for Arthit and made him come out of his momentary stupor.
--"Umm, it's nothing , I'm okay ...
I'm going to leave now,tell everyone I had to go back first please."

He left ,more like ran away until he found himself in a bar and started drinking. It was wierd to him. Had he cared really so much about him?
Why hadn't he noticed earlier?
It was useless now . ...

He drank and drank until he almost passed out and the waiter had to take his phone and called someone to fetch him .
After 20 minutes a shadow approached him. It was Knot.
-"Ai'Onn , what happened to you ?
Why did you drink like this?"
-"Oii Knot :he snort- laughed like a drunk person he was, and then he stared at the sky.
At the time a plane was passing by above them. Arthit sighed heavily and said with a meek voice.
"He left... He gave up on me ..."

He told everything to Knot and he listened quietly while patting him in the back.
Even after years later Knot was the only one who knew of his secret, he was his confident and a very good friend.

So their story ended without even starting, or that's what they thought but maybe just maybe ,fate will bring them together once again.....

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