Chapter 5

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    ... -" Hey, Arthit , you're here finally... We were supposed to meet 30 minutes ago."

-"Sorry , friend I got caught in traffic as soon as I left home. "

-" It's okay, I'm used to it by now. So spill it Arthit what happened ?"

-" Let me have a drink first, I need water. It's too hot today. "

After getting his drink Arthit started telling his friend everything that happened leaving aside some minor details that he didn't think it was necessary to say.
Knot listened carefully and nodded along the conversation.

-" So Arthit, what are you going to do now, do you think you still like him? "

-" I don't know what will I do. I only know now that I'm not indifferent at him and he still has the ability to stir my mind into a mess .
But I'm not sure he still has feelings for me . Sure, he immediately started teasing me but years have passed. He might just think of it as something he didn't get to do in the past. He is used to being a winner now and I'm the one who got away .  Anything can be possible."

-" You might be right Arthit , the man you described earlier was definitely successful and ambitious but I don't think he would be a player.

You have to be careful in order to protect yourself and him.  Just make sure you won't do anything you will regret later. And it wouldn't hurt for you to be more open and honest about your feelings.  Humanity hasn't evolved enough to actually read thoughts , you know! "

-" Shia, Ai'Knot , you are teasing me as well ."

-" Jokes aside , I'm very serious about what I said Arthit. I don't want to be the one who listens to your drunken banter later."

-" Uh-huh  I'll make sure not to call you then "- said Arthit with an annoyed look.

-" I hope you won't have to do that too my friend."


Talking with Knot did good to Arthit .
In the coming days he and Kongpob worked together very well . They were a very dynamic duo who understood each other well. They were both serious when it came to work despite casual teasing from Kongpob's side . Everyone in the office knew that they had a good relationship together.

In one month working there Kongpob had managed to steal the hearts of all female employees , single or even those who were married were also infatuated with him.  His charm and good manners didn't go unnoticed.
Of course his good looks too.

Arthit heard Kongpob's secretary once  swooning about a Kongpob with glasses.
Pfff... Women ... What was it with him and glasses that made them squeal like that.

Anyway today Arthit was extremely busy with work and might even pull an all nighter at the office so he just went to the cafeteria to get some coffee.

He hadn't seen Kongpob today . Their schedules were different today and they hadn't even crossed each other at the company.


Arthit was feeling himself very tired but tried  to keep awake . He had to finish all this work for tomorrow by all costs. 
But a little after 10 o'clock sleep got the best of him so he thought he might take a 20 minutes break to nap and then continue working.
He fell asleep on top of the desk.

He was sleeping soundly so he didn't notice someone entering his office room and just silently watch him sleep.

Kongpob felt a twinge in his heart seeing Arthit sleeping like that. He must be very tired . How many nights must he have passed like this.
Kongpob stepped closer arnd took off his jacket and draped it over Arthit's shoulders then took some of the paperwork in front of him and started working on them in silence.

Watching Arthit sleeping face was his personal delight  and he couldn't help but place a soft kiss on top of his head. So gentle and soft that Arthit never noticed.

When Arthit started opening his eyes an hour later he was meet with a very handsome face  adorning some  clear  frame  glasses  that held his papers in his hands.

The excitement of the female workers was justified after all . Damn he looked so good right now. He was a blessing to the eyes and Arthit was almost drooling at him.

Kongpob sensed his gaze at him and said:
-" P'Arthit , you're awake , did you get some rest."

-" Um ... Yes but that's not important , why are you here ? What are you doing with my work?   "
He sounded a little bit mad.

-" I just came to invite you to dinner but you were sleeping so I thought if I  give you  a hand you might get to go home tonight and rest.  I ordered food for both of us here , its on the way. "

Arthit  was touched . Having someone to take care of him like this was nice .  He took off the jacket and thanked Kongpob for everything  with a shy and grateful look.

To Kongpob this look only was worth nothing before what he did but he still couldn't stand not teasing his senior.

-" I'm not doing this for free, P'Arthit... You have to do something for me too."

This mocking request made Arthit snap back from his sleepy spell . 
-" What... what do you want?"

Kongpob came so close to his face.... almost to close , and with those glasses on him who could resist his devilish attraction.

-" What if I asked you to kiss me P'Arthit? "

Arthit never got up from his seat so fast in his life. With a flushed face he said:
-" You... You are crazy!!!    Why would I kiss you ? "

Kongpob laughed and said:
-" I knew you would say that 😂😂😂."
Actually I want you to go out on a date   with me P'Arthit...  and this time you can't refuse na . Please !"

Kongpob made the most adorable face he could as if his shameless request wasn't affecting him at all.

Arthit's face was red as a tomato and his heartbeat was betaying him .

-"  Fine.. - he finally blurted out;-  I'll go on a date with you if you help me finish all this by today. But you can't slack off and tease me about it anymore or the deal is off. "

With that he got an all cheery and happy Kongpob back to work like a  child that would get hold of his favorite candy if he obeyed. Is it really that easy to please him, just a date and he looks so happy?!
Arthit couldn't help but feel that he got himself in more trouble but he liked it too .. the idea of spending a date with Kongpob.

After they managed to complete all the work in hand it was very late at night so Kongpob offered to give Arthit a lift home and Arthit accepted without protesting. When they were in front of the the building Kongpob said goodnight to Arthit and just when he was about to leave he said  :

-" Please look forward to our date this weekend  P'Arthit , I know I will 😊."

"Goodnight and sweet dreams !"

Arthit just nodded sleepily and waved his hand at him before blurting out loud suddenly:
-" Be careful on the road and text me as soon you get home. I don't want you to have an accident because of me. "

Kongpob felt so warm inside hearing that his P'Arthit cared about him. 
It was the perfect way to end the night ........

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