Chapter 24

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... After that day Arthit was feeling restless all the time .

His mom wouldn't answer his calls and if he tried to talk to her by going to his parents home she would just say that she won't hear anything from him if it wasn't for him being her good son again.

Arthit even got angry at her . She never had seen him that way !😶

" Her good son...again" -- What did that even mean ?!

Was he a bad child now?? A disappointment?

Though she would never say that out loud. Her baby wasn't a disappointment.

Arthit's mother loved him too much , so much that it may had crossed the line of overprotective.

Her only son , the highlight of her life , her biggest gift and achievement , her pride and joy , such a precious child , he ....he can't....he can't be in love with another man.

She wanted Arthit to live a full life , happy , freely , with a family of his own and give her a lot of grandchildren she would love and treasure even more than him , because it would be her precious child's .

He shouldn't have to live a life full of obstacles, with people talking behind his back, mocking him , treating him different.
Who was going to protect him from the hurts of the world if he goes down that way ?

The world is a cold place, and people can be cruel to those who are different than them.


No--NO!!! She won't allow that to happen.
Even if it makes Arthit sad , it only will be for a little while . He will forget about it and it will be like it never happened.

Arthit wasn't like that to begin with... Right... There was a girl... that's right .... a girl in high school that he was in love with ... He liked that girl for years but was too shy to confess.

That means he definitely likes girls.
If he meets the right one then everything will fall into place.

.. ...-"That's it ! I just have to find a suitable person ! I heard that one of my good friends in high school daughter came back to Thailand recently. She is smart , beautiful and well educated. She is perfect for my boy.
I still remember them playing together as kids with Arthit saying all the time that he was going to marry her and be her husband.
That was so cute when they were little.

Now that she has grown into a fine young lady she definitely makes men turn their head when walking by .
And she is still single. If Arthit sees her again now , he would charge his mind without a doubt ."

--What's so good about that kid anyway? Also a  man after all?!

Arthit always praised him on his phone calls and I had taken a liking to him too but.. I can't give him my child  just like that .
He can never be good enough for my Arthit.

He started all this. Now my own child is mad at me , having bad feelings towards his own mom.
She was feeling hopeless but that still didn't make her give up.


On the other hand Arthit tried very hard in his way to make his mom reason with him.

He was feeling guilty at first towards her but seeing she wasn't relenting after all Arthit had done, she still refused to listen to him. Refusing to see him that way .

But lately she had crossed the line , talking bad about Kongpob ,how he was a bad influence for him , accusing him for stuff and even taking the courage to set him up in blind dates.

The latest one was a childhood friend of his. Arthit was really surprised to see her again . She had changed to a beautiful young lady ,delicate and smart , feminine and powerful ,a dangerous combination to make any guy fall for her .

Remembering their childhood memories Arthit knew why his mom chose her this time. She was truly a gem , a thing of beauty.

And then it was when Arthit finally understood it once and for all; He had it bad. 😜

He had  it bad for Kongpob , he was deeply , madly in love with his lover.
If that girl didn't make him even flinch , Kongpob was the only one for him.

A relieved calming smile painted beautifully in his face at the realization of that feeling.

He already knew of it the moment he and Kongpob had their first big fight about the misunderstanding with Sayuri and he when he followed him at the beach that night but now... now he got another decisive confirmation of that.

One that even his love for his mother couldn't overrule.
Love to him meant only one thing, Kongpob, and Kongpob meant love .😍♥️♥️

After saying goodbye to his long lost good friend in a friendly  manner he could literally  run home to hug his boyfriend and love him even more.

These past days he hadn't been a good boyfriend. The trouble with his mom and the stres of it made him very moody and prone to get easily into fights.

Kongpob avoided arguing with him to the minimum, scared of losing him.

...Silly boy 😑

Kongpob hadn't wanted to interfere between Arthit and his mother relationship, knowing very well the bond between a mother and a son he didn't want it  to deteriorate because of him .
But he was at his limits end too.

He couldn't just stand still and let Arthit be taken away from him , even if that person was his mom.

He was taken aback as well , at how much possessive he could get of his lover but he wouldn't let that get in the way.

Love is a little bit selfish on itself, no one can deny that.

He was going to do it. He was going to ask  Arthit if it was okay for him to take matters in his hands this time . Nobody knew a mother's heart for her child but he knew he wasn't inferior to that . His love was strong.

With Arthit on his side , Kongpob would definitely make his mom accept them at least and maybe just maybe grow fonder of him later and give him permission to marry her son.

Kongpob's smile was brighter than the sun when thinking about that .

In that moment it was also the time when Arthit came home, a little breathless and with a new fire burning in his eyes.

Looking at Kongpob with those captivating eyes and that gorgeous smile on him , the gloominess of the past days disappeared and there was a silver lining.

Kongpob as if he could understand Arthit's newfound determination and his own feelings were telepathically the same reached over to him, with Arthit meeting him midway in a scorching kiss.
They made love like never before , genty , passionately ,melting into each other emotionally and physically becoming one.

After indulging in that pleasurable and precious moments the young couple  finally feeling at ease again was happily cuddling on the bed thinking of these past days strained relationship between them as a bad dream.

Sweetly playing with Arthit's hair Kongpob asked:

-"This time , let me try P'Arthit!
I'm confident I can make her realize that our love is just like anybody else's , maybe even stronger. We can overcome everything if we are together."

-" Then.....I'll trust on that , love!"- said Arthit as he pulled his Kongpob down for another breathless kiss...😁😁😚😚😚

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