Chapter 2

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After Kongpob left for Japan they never heard of him again. Some of his friends like Aim and the others kept in touch for a while but then it all stopped one day. All they knew he was doing well in Japan .

With his intellect and smart wits he had managed to adapt very well there and be a good student. Everyone knew he had a bright future in front oh him but people close to him couldn't help but notice that was a hint of sadness and melancholy buried deep in his eyes ,so deep that you could get lost in them if you stared for to long.He brushed everyone's thoughts off as just being homesick and away from his birthplace.

Little did they know that there was a certain particular person he missed most and he would miss him more every time he gazed at the sun and felt his warmth around him...

That was also part of his charm ,his eyes ; they were very expressive and lively. People would fall for him at first glance, let alone witnessing that dashing smile .
The girls loved him but he always the natural gentleman would treat them politely leaving no room for other afflictions.

He did try to date once or twice but not long after the girls left him , saying he was very good ,very polite but they didn't feel anything else from him. Some in anger might even have acused him of having a very cold heart or no heart at all.
He only listened quietly and apologized genuinely.

Whatever he did his heart couldn't forget Arthit so he made the most logical choice ; he dedicated his time to school and got himself some very helpful interships. He dedicated all of energy so he didn't have the time to think or feel and soon enough he became very successful and well known .

*******( So without realizing four years had passed........)******

By the time Kongpob graduated some very important companies wanted to scout him but he chose a little less known company that had ties to Thailand and worked his way up to make the company and himself rise to prosperity.
Everybody loved his positive energy and way of handling things .

When asked what made him so good and able to work with others so well he would answer that it was his first year in Thailand , the SOTUS system there and a head hazer that taught him many important lessons that made him succeed in life ....


On the other hand Arthit's life had gone pretty well too. He landed a good job in very well known company right after his graduation. His good brains abd effort was really worth it . He was advancing fairly good and had managed to get promoted several times due to his performance at work.

At the outsiders eye he was living a very good life and had everything a man could wish for so marriage was in order after a few years but he didn't seem to find the time and the right person.

He would still gaze at the moon sometimes while drinking with his friends and think back in time with a sad smile adorning his face.

He had become more charming with the years taking control of his short temper and a more relaxed look on his face that made him more adorable but he still wouldn't accept being called adorable,cute or anything else.

This made him even more gullible and cute especially in the eyes if those who were interested in him .


All these years Kongpob hadn't set foot in Thailand even with the constat begging and nagging from his family. He would always say he was busy or that couldn't leave work and they were always left with the choice of coming over to Japan to visit him.

But one day after all these years a promising project collaboration with a branch in Thailand made him think that maybe , finally, it was time to go home again.

After contacting the company in Thailand and getting ready for their newest project and investment in the short time of three months a representative had to be sent there to supervise the work and make sure everything was going at the right direction . And what's better than an actual native to do the job.

After much persuasion Kongpob took matter in his own hands and left for Thailand.

He couldn't avoid feeling exited and jittery about going back to Bangkok. But he felt excited in a good way and energized even more after he landed there.

As expected there's no place like home.
No matter where you go the air is much sweeter here where your roots are .


Kongpob was met with a few family members who came to greet him and welcome him home again.

On the way at his parents house he watched through the car window and tried to take notice if any changes were made. A lot can change in years and he was eager to revisit every corner of this city that once his life revolved to .

He was planning to make a visit to the old University too. That was what he was most excited for. That place held many memories for him all good and bad but equally essential to him and had made him the man he was today.

His freshman year was full of new experiences that made his life there memorable even if he spent a little amount of time there.
Some of his most precious memories were created there.

After taking a much deserved rest for a day lazing around the house where he grew up he took the car and speed of to the university .
Not much had changed there , essentially it was the same as he left it which gave him a slight feeling of reassurance and warmth.
His legs unknowingly took him to the auditorium where he first met the hazers and Arthit . Arthit ,that name was engraved in the deepest of his soul and every now and then he would let himself to bring him out of the abyss where he held him as one of the most precious and sad memories.

He laughed at himself being reminded at his own antics as a freshman and asked himself if he would do it again if he was given another chance.
Would he have acted the same way?
Would he have challenged Arthit in the first day of meeting him?

And most importantly would he have willingly fallen for him again....

In his heart he already knew the answer.

Breaking off from his trail of thoughts he picked up the phone and called a number he hadn't called in a long time, hoping that the person on the other side hadn't changed the number and would answer his call....

-"Hello , Ai'Aim , it's me Kongpob.
Yes, I am back in Thailand. It's been a long time indeed ... Do you have time to meet up with me ?"

He smiled listening to his old friend happy reaction. It sure was good to be home..😊😊😊

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