Chapter 14

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...  The next morning Kongpob left for  the airport very unwillingly.
Arthit didn't go with him to say goodbye. He wasn't good at doing that, and Kongpob couldn't bear to watch him as he left.

So in the morning when they woke up Kongpob just held him in a back hug and placed his head in his shoulder breathing in his scent and kissing his neck lightly.

While interlacing their fingers together, Arthit didn't say anything, just sinked deeper in the hug feeling the warmth of his lovers body .

Kongpob slowly traces every feature of his beautiful boyfriend face with his fingertips as if trying to memorize every inch of it.

This movement made Arthit melt in his embrace and his eyes started to swell up with tears , tears that he bravely tried to surpress.

Kongpob turned him so they were facing each other and Arthit was still with eyes closed listening to his every breath.

Looking at those closed eyes with wet eyelashes from tears that were threatening to fall at anytime Kongpob sighed and sweetly kissed away the tears while Arthit clinged closer to him as if it would be possible to merge into one being.

Bitting his lips, nibbling  on them , kissing them after as if apologizing , they didn't use words to communicate  with each other.

-" I will be back soon! I already miss you" they didn't need to say those in order for the other to know .

-" You should get going now , Kong ! " Said Arthit reluctantly while stealing another last kiss.

-" Um, yes , I should" Kongpob answered while kissing Arthit's fingertips and placing his hand in his own face  caressing his cheek softly.

Minutes passed and Kongpob still wasn't moving.
Arthit smiled and seriously looked at him in the eyes .
- " Kong, get up or you'll miss the flight. I'm okay now , I promise."

Kongpob stared deeply into his eyes smiled slyly and kissed the tip of his nose and watched as Arthit's eyes fluttered.

-" I trust you P'Arthit to be fine until I get back to you. Don't go around charming other people without even knowing okay? 

.....YOU .....ARE .....MINE...

And he pointed at the ring in his finger.

This act though as cute or possessive as it may be earned Kongpob a kick from Arthit that threw him of his bed.

-" Go now !!! I think you're getting delirious. Some time away will help you clear your mind. "  Arthit scolded playfully.

-" I told you last night, didn't I? That I couldn't leave you after... but you beg----........"

Kongpob never finished that sentence  because he knew Arthit would give him hell for it .

-"You ...brat !!! " Arthit exclaimed and covered his face with the bedsheets hiding his beetroot red face.

Kongpob laughed it of and got ready very quickly. He would really miss his flight at this rate.

Arthit didn't come out of the covers even when Kongpob was leaving.

Kongpob understood what that meant and didn't make him get up , just bent over the bed and kissed the top of Arthit's head while whispering a low
" Take care of yourself!
Do not skip any meals !
I'll call you and  text you whenever I have free time . "

" ......I love you....."  and closed the door and left.

A few minutes later Arthit came out of the covers im a daze and lost.
In his confused state his eyes scanned the room and realized it was really empty.

The person filling that room had left and in the air you could only feel the light scent of his body perfume.

At the corner of his eye something caught his interest. It was a little white note handwritten in a very beautiful and delicate  manner.


You are the compass of my life,
my North ,
directing me anywhere I go!

My Sun 🔆,
my forever morning star ,

I will always find my way to you, just like a sunflower follows  its sunshine!!!

See you soon !
Yours Kong 🌻

Arthit clutched the little note close to his heart. He really felt loved .

At this moment he was the happiest person on Earth.
Two months couldn't go fast enough.


With Kongpob gone Arthit threw himself at work as he used to.
He was really carefree and genuinely happy these days especially when staring at his phone during break time.

He made sure to eat  properly as he had promised .

His recently newfound glow hadn't gone unnoticed between his colleagues but when asked Arthit just responded with a charming smile that made anyone forget what were they actually were going to ask him.

He must be in love and whoever it was that got him must be very lucky indeed.

But Arthit himself felt lucky. Lucky and grateful having Kongpob back in his life.

If all the choices he made until today right or wrong led him to where he is in this moment , he doesn't regret any of it ! He would still do them without batting an eyelid .

He was sure that it was some gravitational pull which he didn't knew how it worked its magic but it would always bring him to Kong . He couldn't overcome it and most importantly he didn't want to.

Just like Kongpob had said when they first met after 5 years:

'If I decide to seriously pursue you, Arthit... you have no escape from me !'

And he did exactly as he said, conquering every room of Arthit's heart , leaving his mark all over .

Like parts of a gear that alone can't function at his best , it needs another one to shine , to take some of his weight, and make its life more enjoyable in his company.

The little note Kongpob left its always close to Arthit in a frame on top of his nightstand so its the first thing he looks at when he wakes up.

At first he wanted to keep it in his wallet, always close to him but decided against it as the paper would wither away and he didn't want to lose it.
It was part of his priceless treasure.

Three weeks have passed and they couldn't get enough of each other communicating through video calls and texts.

Sometimes they would leave the video call on for the whole night as they slept and waked up as if they were together wishing 'Good morning' and then hanging up to continue their daily schedule.

But there was something Arthit hadn't  told Kongpob.

As Sayuri's wedding was at the end of the month , she secretly sent Arthit an invitation and tickets for him to come to her wedding and spend some time together in Japan .

Arthit giggled to himself thinking about Kongpob's face when he was going to surprise him there....

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