Chapter 6

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[Warning ] - Sweetness overload , might get diabetes .😍😍🤗🤗
This is my favorite chapter so far...


... Arthit was dead tired when he got home so he had a quick shower and buried himself into the covers in the bed.
A message sound got his attention and he looked at his phone. It was Kongpob telling him that he got home safely .  He closed his eyes and fell in deep sleep dreaming of something he didn't remember that well in the morning. All he knew it was a pleasant dream that left him happy and someone placing a kiss on his forehead.

The week was gone in a blink of an eye and it was Sunday tomorrow. Arthit had promised to go on a date with Kongpob and to tell the truth he was a little nervous about it.
He went through his closet looking for suitable clothes but nothing seemed decent enough so after one hour of trying outfits he gave up and decided to wear just something casual he would pick next morning.


Kongpob was extatic . He had been waiting for this all week. To have Arthit all for himself for a day, he  would make the best of it.

In the morning Kongpob got ready and went to pick up his P'Arthit for a late breakfast. He looked so good in casual clothes and relaxed.

-" Hello P'Arthit , good morning, are you awake yet ? Kongpob mockingly asked Arthit when he got in the car."

-" Then , am I effing sleepwalking  Kongpob? "
The wity response convinced Kongpob that he should be careful with his mood in the morning .

-" We are going to have some breakfast first then I'll take you somewhere nice I promise."
-" Uh-huh , let's get going . "

After getting over with their breakfast Kongpob took him for a drive at the nearest town which had a view of the seashore. Kongpob had always had a soft spot for the sea .

The mystical blue sea mesmerized and almost hypnotized him with his waves when he was younger and now it was his peaceful retreat whenever he felt melancholic or had something bothering him that he couldn't share with anyone else .

But this time he was going there for an entirely different reason. He was going with a special person which he hoped he would be the one that some day he would share his secrets and  his innermost feelings.

He pulled over and parked the car and then showed Arthit the way to a secluded beach place .

He pulled Arthit by the hand before he had any chance to argue and lead him to the water and their feet's were touching the ocean since they were both wearing slippers.
Kongpob turned to Arthit and said :

-" This is my favorite place in the world P'Arthit! I always come here whenever I'm feeling happy or sad and don't want anyone to bother me.
This is my sanctuary that I found for myself since I was in elementary school. Of course it were my parents who first took me here and I fell in love at first sight , and it kinda became a family tradition to come here every time, until I was old enough to come here by myself.
I spent a lot of time here as a teen .

As for when I was in University ,well you know how that went...
This is my first time coming back here in five long years , and I wanted to come here with you...

Arthit was left speechless ... How could he counter that ?!  He was not expecting anything like this. Kongpob's thoughts were so deep and he was sharing an important part of himself with him .

Arthit felt overwhelmed so he did the first thing that came in his mind to break the atmosphere ; he splashed Kongpob with water and shouted ,

-" So  effing sweet , aren't we ?"

Kongpob noticed the look in his eyes and he knew Arthit was touched but retaliating was his second nature . He couldn't express himself differently and Kongpob had learned that about him, so when he felt the water hit him....  that meant war😂 .
They were going at each other trying to get the other person soaking wet and running freely  , laughing wholeheartedly. 

Playing in the water for some time they finally decided to get to the shore and let themselves some time to dry up.

A few minutes after they were sitting in the sand Arthit suddenly said :

-" Thank you ... for bringing me here!  I think I like it as well here ." He said the last sentence while closing his eyes and letting a satisfied sigh and showcasing a more than happy smile.

-" That's not fair P'Arthit , you keep doing this to me... How can you be so lovely without doing much and even with your small words you make my heart race like crazy !

-Here  can you feel it ? - he said while placing Arthit's hand in his heart.

Arthit gulped hard trying to control his emotions from being displayed all over his face but failed to do so and said :

-" I'm not sure if it's your heartbeat or mine that I'm feeling right now...but I am sure that what I'm feeling right now its stronger than everything I've felt before in  my  life "

It was Kongpob's turn to be speechless .

With one hand over Arthit's near his heart and the other in Arthit's cheek  he slowly closed the space between them ,as if giving Arthit and himself the time and the assurance that what was about to happen was something they both wanted at the moment.

He kissed Arthit's lips with a gentleness and care as if he was kissing  the most precious in this world at first ,...and then progressing into a passionate kiss that conveyed all his lingering feelings of wanting this man to be his .

Arthit was in a mess too .  He wasn't thinking , he was reacting. He was reacting to what it seemed it was going to be one of the greatest memories of his life.

Being kissed senseless with the sea as its witness was definitely something to remember forever. The sound od the waves created a suave atmosphere that made them reluctant to part from each other.

When they finally did part  Kongpob interlaced their fingers together and said with the most pure and honest eyes :
- " I love you Arthit! I love you so much "

Squeezing his hand as if to pacify him Arthit took the initiative to kiss him back this time.

That was all Kongpob needed from him and it said it all that was left unsaid but not unnoticed....

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