Chapter 1

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"Hey, Olaf, wait up!" Anna exclaimed as she ran through the endless croud of people. Olaf,  being the playful happy snowman he is, wanted to play a game,  and would stop at nothing to get Anna to play along with him.

"Olaf, I'm serious! Stop!" Anna said angrily.

"But you didn't call for a time-out!" Olaf shouted behind him.

"Fine... " Anna groaned. "TIME OUT!"

The people around them suddenly became silent as they all stared at Anna.

Well, Anna thought, not a very good impression as their future Queen.

Anna approached Olaf. The cute little snowman looked up at Anna with big eyes.

"Olaf, you need to get ready!"

"For what?"

"Today's Coronation Day!"

"What's a Coronation? Is it the day to celebrate corn? I love corn! Especially when it's nice and warm with the big slab of stuff called butter and-"

"Olaf! I hope your joking around! We've been through this already! And you never even had corn before!"

"Oh, that Coronation Day! Right! To the castle!" Olaf said, racing toward the gates.

Phew! Anna thought. I thought he forgot!

It was Coronation Day, the day when Anna became Queen of Arendelle. She was of age, and Elsa was the Snow Queen.

What would it be like when I am queen? Anna wondered. Will it be exciting and fun? Or will it be busy? What will I do? What will I be ABLE to do?!

Suddenly, a horn blew, signaling that the castle would open the gates in ten minutes.

"OH NO... " Anna said, running through the crowd. "I have to change my clothes and do my hair and call the servants and - OOF!"

Anna walked straight into someone who was part of the crowd. It was a tall man with blonde hair and a playful smile - Kristoff!

"Kristoff! What are you doing here! Aren't you supposed to be with the other ice men in Snowfields?"

Snowfields was a place that was discovered recently after Elsa put the entire kingdom under an eternal winter. It was a place covered completely in snow and ice. The few people who visited that area were mystified when they heard about it and said that it wasn't there before. It was many miles away from the kingdom, and it took a full day just to get there.

"You expected me to miss your Coronation Day just to chop ice?" he said. "I would never skip Coronation Day, especially since it's YOURS." He winked at her, but then glanced at the castle far ahead of them.

"Hey, aren't you supposed to be at the castle?" he asked, confused.

"Oh, well... maybe I wasn't watching the clock." Anna muttered, embarrassed.

"Anna, you have to hurry! Go, now!"

Fortunately, many people in the crowd heard Kristoff talking to Anna, and when they saw her, they made way and formed a path so Anna can easily get to the castle.

Kristoff bowed. "After you, my lady." he said.

After a final glimpse of Kristoff, she ran towards the castle.

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