Chapter 9

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A/N - Yay! I finally updated! I hope you enjoy the chapter, but be warned - this one will become very tragic... it's full of surprises. ; )

P.S. - Let me give a special shout out to THGdivergentElsa7402, who has been an awesome reader for me and a huge support!

Anna looked around as the group left the Sky Kingdom. They just got there, and now they are leaving.

Then the voice came again, making Anna look like she is daydreaming.

You must do it! the voice said. It's for your own good.

No! Anna thought. I'll never join you, and that's final.

Fine. At least listen to this little thing, please. When you leave the kindom, a train will arrive, which will take you and your friends to another world. Go into an empty space. Alone. I will explain the rest when you do this.

Anna hesitated. Fine. But if you-

"Listen up, guys!" Cloud shouted to everyone. The group turned to her.

"I will summon a sky train," Cloud explained, "that will take us to our brother-" she checked her leaf letter, "Percy."

She snapped her fingers, and a train made of glass appeared in front of them.

"Hop in." she said.

Everyone climbed aboard the train and selected a room for their self. Olaf had a special room that kept him from melting.

When Anna got into her own room on the train, which started to move, the voice came back.

Good. it said. Now, just repeat after me, okay Annabeth?

"Annabeth?!" Anna exclaimed out loud. "When did you think my name was Annabeth?!"

"Anna?" Elsa asked a train car away. "Are you okay?"

"No, I-" Anna started, but something made her stop.

"Um, yes, I'm okay Elsa!" she said.

What happened?

That was close. the voice said in her head. Now, let me explain. This will be a long and dangerous journey, and I would love to help you out. I know a protection spell that will protect you and your friends from harm.

No, you don't, you evil-

Annabeth! Why don't you trust me?


Just say these words. Trust me, darling.


Once on a dark, gloomy day,

there were two enemies.

One was the one and only Jack Frost - the other, Pitch Black.

Jack defeated him; and oh, in such a way - that Pitch promised revenge, he did,

And that time he would win.

He would win the Great War 2,

and he would get help... from me.

Anna gasped. Before she could retort in her head, she started to repeat the prophecy.

When she finished, Anna's eyes went wide.

Why-what... Anna thought angrily.

It's too late to stop it now. The voice said, cackling with glee.

The room became thick with black fog. Anna ran to the door and tried to escape, but the door was locked. She banged on the glass, crying for help.

Like I said, too late! the voice taunted.

Anna was enveloped in black fog. She felt something sandy wrap around her like a sandstorm. When she saw it, the sand was black.

As soon as that happened, her thoughts began to change.

And the worst part - her eyes turned from green to pitch black.

Back at the Castle in Arendelle...

"Quick! We're under attack!" a guard shouted to the others. They quickly grabbed their weapons and raced out into the courtyard.

Right there was a swarm of flying black horses and cannon balls, followed by a man made of... black sand?!

"Hello, Arendellers!" the man said. "I just came to pay a little visit to my favorite kingdom!"

He flicked his wrist, and the swarm of black sand horses flew at the castle. When a horse hit a part of the castle, it burst into flame, setting the castle on fire.

"Do you like it?" the man asked. "Now that your princess has joined me, me and my minions got a little upgrade - fire." He snapped his fingers, revealing his true form.

The guards shot their bows and arrows at the one and only Pitch Black, but it just shot through him.

"Let my army invade your precious kingdom," Pitch said, "and let the Great War II begin!"

A/N - Told you....

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