Chapter 5

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When Anna and Marshmallow reached the ice castle, they saw a bunch of ice-choppers trying to destroy the castle. The dome was a heap of ice pieces on the ground.

"Hey! Stop that!" Anna shouted at the ice-choppers.

"Your Highness!" one of them said, who's name was Bob. "We have found the castle of the Evil Queen! We must destroy it quickly-"

"Hold that thought," Anna said. Then she screamed to the dozen men that were there, "STOP IT RIGHT NOW!"

The men stoped what they were doing and looked at Anna.

"Princess Anna! What do you ne-"

"PRINCESS?!" Anna shouted. "I'm the Queen of Arendelle!"

"Queen?" a ice-chopper named Tom asked. "Last time we checked-"

"Last time I checked," Anna said, "I was the queen! Now do as I say and leave or GET FIRED!"

"Well, Queen," Tom said, "We cannot do that. A certain someone has promised us a million dollars if we chopped this ice castle and gave it to him."

"I - DON'T - CARE! Stop chopping the castle or I swear I'll throw you all in the dungeons!"

"Okay, Your Highness!" someone else said, (Anna only knew Bob and Tom.) "Um, can you just stand over here as we - ah - leave?"

Anna got suspicious. What are they going to do? she thought. But she moved to the spot they told her to move in.

There was a loud BANG! and Anna was trapped in stacked ice.

The ice-choppers had stacked ice on top of Anna to form a miniature ice prison!

"Let me out!" Anna shouted, banging her fists against the ice.

"Sorry," an ice-chopper said, "but a million dollars - who can resist that offer?"

Anna became angry. "Why would you do this to your own Queen?!" she shouted.

No answer. Dumb guys, Anna thought.

Now, Anna wasn't only angry, but she was furious! Fire blazed from the tips of her fingers.

That's it! Fire can melt this! Anna thought.

She tried to summon her fire. Nothing. She tried again. Still, nothing. She got frustrated and shot a fire ball at the ice.

That was easy, Anna thought.

The men gasped as they watched her step out of the ice prison.

"How did you get out...?" one of the men asked.

Anna pulled out a walkie talkie, (No one knew where she got it, or even knew what it was, except for her and the guards back at the castle.)

"Guards? We have a certain problem here in the North Mountains." she said through the walkie talkie, "Can you get here quickly please...? Mmhm. Yeah. Uhuh. Alright. Bye."

The ice-choppers continued to gape at her with incredible shock. Then, they made a run for it.

"Oh, no you don't!" Anna shouted, making a circle of fire go around each of the dozen men. "No one messes around with my sister's castle!"

Then the guards entered the scene. They looked pale and shocked, (except for the wacky-white-haired-disappear-and-reappear-in-Anna's-face-guy, who was always pale, anyways.)

"Qu-Queen Anna!" one of the guards gasped, looking around to see the ice dudes, (don't ask were that came from,) in a circle of fire. Anna flicked her wrist behind her back, hoping the fire would go away, and the fire around the men disappeared.

"Take them all to the dungeons," Anna said firmly to the guards.

The guards took the ice-choppers away, with chains on their wrists. They headed towards the castle far below them.

"Phew!" Anna thought. "That was close!"

"But thanks to you, they won't be around here for a long time," a voice said.


"Elsa!" Anna said gratefully, hugging her. "You're alright!"

"Of course I am!" Elsa said, waving her hands in a circular motion. She blasted her ice castle with a ball of snow, and it was back to normal.

"Hey! Were is Marshmallow?" Anna asked.

"In the back of the castle," Elsa said, "Which reminds me..."

Elsa made a loud whistle, and Marshmallow came bounding over.

"We need to go to the trolls," Elsa said.

"But why?" Anna asked.

"Because of your fire powers, silly. That stupid Jack guy can't help you."

"Wait - wa-"

Snowflake, (Who popped up unexpectedly) said in the loudest voice she could make possible, "Let's go!"


And off they went, riding on Marshmallow's back-

"To the trolls!" Anna yelled.

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