Chapter 8

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Anna gasped as she finally reached the top of the staircase. I never climbed stairs for that long... and wow, the staircase was SO steep! Anna thought when she finally reached the top of the staircase.

Then Elsa, Jack, and Olaf gasped. Anna looked up and did the same.

Right there was a beautiful castle made entirely of clouds. Flying around it were wind nymphs, and there were beautiful pegasi and unicorns and unicorns with wings flying all around.

A small winged unicorn with two horns fell to the ground at Olaf's feet.

He poked it. "Is this made of clouds?" he asked Elsa.

"No, Olaf," she replied, "It's a... a......"

She looked at Anna for help.

"It's a... pega.... uni... twoniepeggy?"

Jack burst out laughing. "That's the best name you can think of?" he said.

"And that's the best excuse why you didn't tell me what you wanted to say immediately to me - because you didn't have time?"

The smile on Jack's face was wiped off faster than you can say, 'chocolate'.

"There. What are these, anyways?" Anna asked.

Something smacked her in the face. "Ow! What was that?" Anna exclaimed.

"Oh!" Elsa said, picking up the envelope from the floor. "Another leaf envelope from Grandpabbie!"

She opened the letter.

They are called Alicorns. In this case, it is a Double Alicorn.

Then a carrot fell out of the envelope. Olaf picked it up and started to play with it.

Elsa read the note aloud to everyone.

"Ali... wait, corn?!" Olaf asked, who's head fell off.


"Olaf, you're melting!" Anna exclaimed.

Elsa gasped and made a stronger snow storm cloud to float over his head, but he continued to slowly melt.

"Anna... it isn't working..." Elsa said, panicking. "Okay, everyone, give Olaf some space so we can figure this out."

Elsa grabbed Anna's hand, who, for some reason, started to daydream.

"Anna, come - OW!" Elsa said, clutching her hand. Where she touched her hand, Elsa seemed to be melting, just like Olaf.

"Give me your hand," Jack said, grabbing it. Elsa's skin was put back to it's normal place in almost an instant. Then he walked up to Olaf. He picked up his head and placed it on top of his snowman body. Olaf immediately stopped melting.

Elsa looked stunned. "Who are you, Jack Frost?"

Anna started to daydream again, but she was still partially listening.

"Jack... Frost?" she asked.

"Oh, no no no," Jack said, "I'm his son, Jack Jr. And Anna here was melting both of you."

* ~ * ~ *

Elsa was in complete shock. "Jack Frost Jr?!" Elsa whispered.

Jack nodded. "My dad, the original Jack Frost, created me, so, ah, if something happens to him..."

He never got a chance to finish his sentence.

"Hold it!" a wind nymph shouted. He was in sparkling armor made from silver, with a crystal sword aiming at Anna, ready to strike.

"Anything of the Fire Element is not allowed here," he said firmly. Then he glared at everyone else. "And so are you people."

He took out a whistle, the same type that Jack gave to Anna, and blew it. Four other guards swooped onto the scene.

"You're under arrest for trespassing into the Sky Kingdom's land." The guards put everyone in mysterious hand cuffs and walked them to the castle. They didn't even bother putting cuffs on Jack, who gave them a curious look as they headed to the castle.

The Double Alicorn decided to follow Olaf, who automatically became best friends with him after he fed it the carrot that fell out of the leaf envelope.

The guards dragged them to the castle. It was magnificent; when you got a closer look at it, it was not only made of clouds - it was also made of silver, and golden spirals decorated the scene.

Inside was an amazing Great Hall. It was made entirely of gold, and a platinum - colored pegasus which was prancing around completed the scene.

The guards then dragged the group into a room with glass walls, so you can see the whole kingdom. A glass throne was in the middle of the room, and a girl who looked like she was about 12 years old was seated on top of it.

The girl was very pretty. She had straight silver-blonde hair, with silver eyes. She had a dress the color of sparkling lavender with glass slippers. She glanced at the group with a curious look on her face.

Then she looked at the guards."Why do you always put them in chains?!" the girl exclaimed furiously to the guards. "They are visitors, not prisoners! There's a difference, you know!"

The guards shrugged.

"Did you hear me?" the girl shouted, "Let 'em go!"

The guards quickly let everyone go except for Olaf.

"What about the snowman?" one of the guards asked.

The girl sighed. "Do I have to repeat myself?"

The guards let Olaf go and quickly left the room.

The girl stared at Anna first.

"I know you..." she started.

Then she glanced at Elsa and Olaf. She paid no attention to Jack.

She shook her head. "You two, I don't know..... anyways, I am Cloud Mist, Guardian of the Sky, Queen of the Clouds. Who are you?"

Elsa gasped. "You - your'e - you're our-"

"Sister," Anna finished.

The Double Alicorn gave a little neigh.

Cloud glared at them with a disapproving look. "No, you're not." she said, "I want you to prove it first."

Another leaf envelope whizzed past everyone and hit Cloud in the face.

"Ow!" she exclaimed. She picked up the envelope and started to read it, her eyes getting wider and wider by the second.

Finally, she got up and blew another one of those ice-whistles.

I still don't understand how they got their hands on those, Elsa thought.

A unicorn burst through the doors in the room and transformed into a teenager about 16 years old.

"Rosa," Cloud exclaimed, "I need you to take charge. Make sure everything goes well here, and don't let the guards put anyone in chains!"

Rosa nodded, but didn't say a word.

"Okay, let's go!" Jack said, (Just to get rid of the silence.)

Cloud nodded to everyone but Jack. "We should go now, but first, we need a horse of incredible magic... for, you know, protection."

She looked at the D. Alicorn, who was walking in circles.

"You will do, Starflight," Cloud said.

Starflight looked up and snorted, agreeing with her.

"Okay.... so let's go find our siblings, sisters... and snowman," Cloud said.

As they walked out of the palace. Jack muttered, "She doesn't believe in me, does she...?"

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