Chapter 2

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Anna gasped as she finally reached the castle. The guards looked surprised to see her there.

One of the guards had snow-white hair and icy blue eyes. "Your Majesty," he exclaimed, "follow me to your room, quickly! The ceremony will start in five minutes!"

The guard led Anna to a stone door and hastily took out a chain of keys. He unlocked the door. Inside was a long, narrow passageway with many doors on each side of the wall. It led deep into the castle.

"Your Majesty," he said, leading her through the hallway, "when you are officially the queen, you will receive the keys to this passage. Only use this place when it's an absolute emergency. I will explain after the ceremony, if you have time, of course."

He then stopped at a door the color of lavenders and unlocked the door. Surprisingly, Anna's room was right there - and Anna was sure the lavender door wasn't there before.

"This door wasn't-" Anna started, but the guard shushed her.

"Beg pardon, your Majesty, but you musn't ask questions now. You must get ready. Look for me in the Ball Room at 10:00 tonight, sharp. And blow this if you get into any trouble" He handed Anna an ice-cold whistle. Anna then realized that it was made of pure ice, decorated with delicate snowflake patterns.

Before Anna could say anything, the guard said, "Call me Jack. And, please - tell no one about our conversation."

Then, he gave Anna a light shove into her room, slammed the lavender door, and in a blink of an eye, Jack and the door disappeared.

* ~ * ~ *

Anna was dressed in a beautiful emerald green gown, decorated with miniature flowers made of pure gold and jade. She also wore a beautiful lily in her hair, with incredible detail, made of emerald and bits of diamonds. The lily was much lighter than it looked, since it was made of heavy gems. Anna walked down the isle, while everyone watched her expectantly.

She reached the platform, where the Symbols of Royalty were waiting. She quietly walked up to the Symbols and gently picked them up. Anna faced the crowed. All the way in the back was Kristoff and Olaf.

Weres's Elsa? Anna thought. She couldn't imagine Elsa missing her Coronation. Suddenly, she spotted a lady with white-blonde, braided hair in the crowd. It was Elsa, smiling at her proudly. But she also looked - worried?

Then, to Anna's surprise, she saw a tiny little thing wiz to Elsa's shoulder. It was a pixie! Anna blinked. It looked like Elsa on her Coronation Day with a blue dress.

Elsa noticed that Anna saw the pixie. She mouthed something like, Don't mention it to anyone, I'll explain later.

Wow, Anna thought, This is too much for me. And in such a short amount of time! Mysterious guy named Jack with a mysterious passageway that I had no idea it ever existed, pixies that looked like Elsa, secrets, and many explanations that will hopefully be EXPLAINED later.

Then she heard the audience applaud, and Anna put the Symbols of Royalty back onto it's cushion. She walked back down the isle and quickly left the room. She then raced down the corridor and entered her room.

This can't be real, Anna thought. It just can't be. Maybe I'm just dreaming. Anna pinched herself. Ow.

Okay. This only means one thing - I'm going CRAZY! Anna thought hysterically.

But something told her that this was real. If Elsa could have these amazing winter powers, why can't there be pixies and mystery doors?

Suddenly, the doors of her room burst open, and in came Elsa.

"Anna!" Elsa exclaimed, "What happened? Are you okay?"

Now that Elsa was out of the crowd, Anna could see exactly what she looked like. Elsa had a pretty dress decorated with snowflake designs, with matching winter boots. She also had icicle earrings on and a beautiful necklace that had ice-pearls on it.

"I'm fine," Anna said.

"Oh, really? Your fine after you saw Snowflake and made the most horrified face in the world?" She said, exaggerating a bit.

"I did not!" Anna exclaimed.

"Well, you did!"

"Ok, let's change the subject," Anna said. "First of all, I have to tell you something that might sound crazy - I saw a little fairy, or pixie, or - I don't even know!"

"The pixie that you saw was my friend Snowflake," Elsa said. "Come out, Snow!"

Oh, so that's who Snowflake is! Anna thought.

There was a flash of light, a blast of icy-cold air, and the pixie Snowflake appeared.

"ACK!" Anna screamed. Snowflake appeared right in front of Anna's face! In a panic, Anna took out the whistle Jack gave her and gave it a hard blow.

When Anna blew it, it did not make a whistling sound, like any normal whistle would make. It was the sound of bells, lots of them, all tinkling together in harmony.

Elsa gasped. "Were did you get that?!" she said, surprised.

WHOOSH! There was, yet again, another blast of cold wind, and Jack appeared in front of her.

"AH~!" Anna screamed. All of this - it was way too much! Anna was so shocked and scared she fainted.

"Your Majesty!" Jack said, not paying any attention to Elsa. He picked her up and disappeared within a second.

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