Chapter 6

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Anna and Elsa could here the distant sound of chattering trolls.

"We're getting close," Anna said, "I can feel it in my gut."

"Or maybe it's just you hearing them," Elsa replied.

The sisters continued to travel on Marshmallow's back silently.

"Hey Elsa," Anna asked. "Do you know that Jack guy well?"

"Not really. I met him after the Coronation when - you know..."

"So I have a crazy question. He keeps asking me to go here and there so he can 'explain' something, and it is so important that he can't tell me until we meet. What's his problem?"

"He just wanted to warn you about your powers," Elsa said, "but-"

"What does he know about my powers?" Anna blurted out, "I want to know!"

"All he wanted to tell you is that you have powers like me," Elsa said firmly, "All he even knows about anyways is coldness. Much coldness."

"That sounds a lot like you," Anna joked. "Well, not in a bad way, of course, but-"

"It's okay, Anna," Elsa said, laughing.

Then they heard someone gasp.

"The Queens!" a little troll said. She looked around the age of five, and unlike the other trolls, who had green eyes, she had brown eyes.

"Hi there!" Anna said cheerfully. "How are you?"

The little troll seemed to be surprised to be addressed this way.

"I'm good, Queen Anna," she said. Then she said loudly, "Kristoff talks about you a lot."

The troll widened her eyes and put a hand to her mouth.

"I shouldn't have said that..." she said.

Anna and Elsa burst out laughing.

"We need to speak with Grandpabbie, little one," Elsa said.

"I can lead you to him," a voice said.

It was Kristoff!

"You have the craziest habit of popping up unexpectedly, you know." Anna said.

"Just come with me. And you should come too, HeatherWood."

The little troll, (Who Anna guessed was HeatherWood,) looked up at Kristoff and said, "O-okay, Kristoff."

On the way to the trolls' territory, Anna told Kristoff all about her adventures. He listened quietly and didn't make a peep as she spoke.

"Fire powers?!" Kristoff exclaimed when she finished. "But how?"

"Well... we don't exactly know how yet. That's why we came to the trolls! They should know." Anna said.

Marshmallow came to a halt. Right in front of them was a large clearing with large mossy rocks scattered all around.

"Hello? Elsa and Anna needs to talk to Grandpabbie!" Kristoff said, knocking on a rock.

The rock didn't respond.

Kristoff sighed. "C'mon guys! Stop it!"

"Kristoff!" a troll said, appearing in troll-form. (Which made Snowflake pop up unexpectedly in mid-air) "You weren't supposed to do that! Can't a troll have a laugh once in a while?"

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