Chapter 12 - Plans

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(A/N  - Sorry I haven't updated in a million years! Hope you enjoy this chapter! Oh, and also, can I have some suggestions for a new cover I want to make? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. And ALSO, my stories seem to have WAY too much dialogue lately, so I'm going to try to change that! You know, so I can make the chapters better. FINALLY, updates will take longer than usual... as you already noticed. Parts have been deleting themselves, so I have to rewrite them! Anyways, after __ days, (please no one tell me how many days, it's been so long I just don't want to know ):  ) here is the next chapter!!!)

       Elsa woke up to Jack shaking her like crazy.

     "ELSA! ELSA!" he shouted, continuing to shake her.

     Elsa slapped Jack in the face.

     "JACK! JACK!" she shouted back in his face.

     Anna sighed from behind Jack.

     "That's not how you wake up someone properly." she said to Jack. She made a blue ball of fire in her hands and threw it at Elsa.

     "ARGH!" Elsa said as the ball of fire hit her chest.

     Everyone gasped. There was then a long silence.

     Finally, after what seemed like forever, Elsa slowly got up off the ground, shaking.

     "I... never mind." Elsa said, still shaking. "Were are we, guys?"

     "In some place called the Big House." Jack replied. "When the people there realized that we weren't the enemy, they took us here so you and Cloud could heal."

     Elsa gasped. She sat up and saw Cloud laying down next to her, fast asleep.

     "Cloud's okay," Jack said, "She just woke up a few minutes ago, but we convinced her that she needed to rest some more. She really needs it."

     Just then, everyone heard loud shouting on the other side of the door in their room.

     "Seriously, Seaweed Brain?!" a girl shouted. "She wasn't the enemy, and you decided to attack her?!"

     "Hey!" another voice said, this time a boy's, "You attacked her first! And how was anyone supposed to know, Wise Girl?"

     "Did she look like an enemy to you?

     "Did she look like an enemy to you?"

     The girl huffed. "Well, at least I didn't hurt her. Now go apologize, Seaweed Brain."

     "Stop calling me that!"

     "Whatever you say, Seaweed Brain."

     "Ugh. At least I attacked her because she was freezing you. I didn't know."

     "Excuses, excuses."


     The door opened. There Elsa saw the same teenage boy who killed that 'Minotaur' and the teenage girl that tried to stab her with a knife. Elsa inched toward the wallls, and Jack stood in front of her in  protective manner. Anna did nothing.

     "Get away from her!" Jack said, raising his hands in defence.

     Anna made a face, and made a heart with her hands, making Jack go red in the face.

     The boy and girl looked at each other.

     "We should introduce ourselves," the girl said. "My name is Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena-"

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