Chapter 7

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Elsa gasped. "O-other siblings?" she stammered. No. This wasn't possible. Other brothers? Other sisters? Relatives that she had no idea they even existed?! No....

Elsa glanced up at Grandpabbie. "I-I hope you're j-j-oking," Elsa said, trying to hide her fear.

(A/N - That's right. Elsa's scared. She doesn't know who these people are - I mean, *Elsa thinks in mind* What if they are... evil? Like Raven Bat?)

"Yes, yes," Grandpabbie said, "You have many other people to your family than you think. There's Lily, with the power of Growth - oh, she can be pretty helpful if your plant is close to death, or you need to get into a small crack."

"Wait," Elsa said, "You've met her before?"

Grandpabbie ignored her. "Ah, yes, and then there's Eleanor, with the power of the Earth itself. Very powerful, she is - she made a whole stone kingdom with a flick of her wrist.

"After her, there was Cloud, oh, the angel. She is the Guardian of the Sky. Yes, the one with sky powers. She can control the weather at times. Lovely girl she is. And finally, your only brother, Percy - his powers are very strong indeed. Water powers. Some even say that he was blessed by the Greek God Poseidon, the Great God of the Sea. Some say that he is his father - but he would have been you and your sisters' father, too."

"Wait," Elsa said, "So you're saying that-"

Suddenly, there was a black sandy blast that came from her left, and Elsa was knocked out.

* ~ * ~ *

"Elsa! Queen Elsa! Your Highness! Please wake up! You must run, quick!"

Grandpabbie continued to slap Elsa lightly on the face until she gained consciousness agin.

"Wa - what-" Elsa started, but Grandpabbie pushed her out the door of the mushroom house and said, "Get Anna and Marshmallow and run! Leave the kingdom! I'll send you a letter-"

BOOM. BOOM. BOOM. The sound of breaking glass. Grandpabbie's eyes widened as he disappeared to - who knows?

"Grandpa!" Elsa shouted.

No response.

I have to get Anna and get out of here! Elsa thought.

She ran to the path that led to the beginning of the troll territory. She ran past trees, (and accidentally slammed into one once,) ran through muddy marshes, and froze lakes and ponds so she can run across them.

As she ran, she heard a voice in her head.

Stop, it said, there is nothing to be afraid of, darling...

As if in a trance, Elsa stopped. Why am I listening to a dumb voice in my head? Elsa thought. She strained to start running again, but her legs wouldn't move.

Good girl, the voice said.

Someone appeared in front of her. It was a women dressed all in black, with large, black feathered wings and a long black velvet cape. She gave Elsa a cruel smile.

"Hello, Elisabeth," the lady said.

Elsa was so shocked that all she could say was, "W-who are you?" And don't call me Elisabeth! she thought in her head.

"Why, you don't remember your Auntie Raven? How sad. How about we go and-"

"Stop!" Elsa shouted at her. She tried to freeze her, but it was blocked by - black sand? Seriously? Elsa thought.

"Nightmare sand," Raven Bat said. "One of my favorite sources of defence - and offence. But I would never use it on you, darling - never." She gave a high-pitched laugh.

Elsa looked up at Raven. Raven stared at her with piercing green eyes.

"Elsa, dear, you must help me!" she said, suddenly clutching her heart. "I know you can do it! You're the kindest girl - and family member - I've even known. Just help me..."

Elsa stared at her. "What do you want?" she said fiercely, wondering why she would say such a thing to someone who just met her.

Raven smiled. "I want? I want you to join me. Together, we can bring myself back to life - and we can start a new world, a world were you are in charge, Elsa. You. But, of course, there is some of my little friends, like, oh, I don't know, Pitch would like to help you-"

"No," Elsa said, and when she realized that she was able to move her legs again, she started to run across a pond that was right in front of her.

Fine, dear, the voice said in her head again. But just remember me - and consider in joining me...

And the voice was gone. Just like that. Elsa ran and ran until she finally reached Anna and Marshmallow.

"Elsa!" Anna said when she saw her. "Where were you?! And there was a letter sent to us by... Grandpabbie?" she said, tearing the leaf envelope.

"Gimme that," Elsa said, snatching it from Anna's hands.

The letter read;

Dear Queen Elsa,

As you know, Elsa, you have four other siblings: Lily Bloom, of Growth; Eleanor Rock, of Earth; Cloud Mist, of Sky; and Percy Jackson, of Water. You also probably know that Raven Bat, the Witch Queen, as we trolls call her, has almost arisen from the dead. Right now, she is only a ghost, but she will be alive soon. No one knows how this is happening. You must find your brother and sisters and defeat Raven and Pitch Black, who is also a part of this. You will find Lily in the Jungle, I believe, Eleanor in Astoitaria, the Earth Kingdom, Cloud in the Sky Kingdom, and Percy in a place called 'New York'. I hope you are successful in finding everyone. When you do, call Jack the Royal Guard from the Arendelle castle. You might as well bring him with you on the journey. He will help you. Be careful.

Sincerely, Grandpabbie

P.S. - Trust no one but your family.

When Elsa was done reading, Elsa called for Anna, who decided to sit on a nearby log.

"Anna! Let's go!" she said.


"Uh, I don't know - the Sky Kingdom!" Elsa said. She raised her hands in the air and made an ice staircase that led all the way up to the clouds.

"Go, go, go!" Elsa said, as she pushed her up the staircase.

"Hiya, guys!" a familiar voice said.


"Olaf? What are you doing here?!" Anna and Elsa said together.

Then another figure appeared. It was... Jack?

"Jack!" Anna yelled at him, "You have a lot of explaining to do!"

And with that, the four flew up the icy staircase (with Snowflake , who was hiding from Raven before,) with Anna pulling Jack by the ear.

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