Chapter 10

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Let me give a special shout out to Dolphinsrule0802! She has been a great reader for me, as well as a great support! (Also - next chapter will be a special chapter! You will know why if you read my book, FANS!)

From the other train car, Elsa heard a scream.

"Anna?!" she shouted, running into the other room.

She burst into the room. There was a bit of blackish fog in the room, and Anna was shivering.

"Anna! Are you okay?!" Elsa asked, scared.

Anna gave her a strange look.

"Yes." she said, "I... just set my dress on fire."

"Oh..." Elsa said, obviously still worried. "Well, tell me if you need anything."

A horn blew.

"ATTENTION!" Cloud screamed from the other room. "I NEED TO-"


Cloud looked down in embarrassment through the glass.

Fortunately, (and unfortunately,) everyone heard the short conversation. They gathered around in Cloud's train car, including Olaf.

"So," Cloud started when everyone got there, "we are about to enter a portal. A portal that will take us to another world. A certain place in this world, New York, we will find our brother, Percy Jackson." Cloud glanced at Anna and Elsa. Anna looked very interested.

"Where did the portal come from?" she asked, which made Elsa suspicious.

Why does she want to know so badly? she thought.

"My guards found it," she replied. "There are many out there - you just have to keep an eye out for one."

Suddenly, everyone heard a faint buzzing. They turned to see a hole in their path. It was a pink and yellow spiral.

"Hold on!" Cloud said to everyone as she grabbed onto her seat. Everyone else did the same.

There was a zap as they zoomed into the portal, and then - darkness.

* ~ * ~ *

Elsa and the rest of the group woke up in an empty room.

Elsa stretched. "Where are we?" she asked Cloud, who was just getting up off the ground.

"I think we're in New York." she replied, shivering.

Elsa looked around the room. It seemed that they were in a run down building, with peeling yellow wallpaper on the walls and an old wooden floor. The portal was no were to be seen, and so was Snowflake.

She probably left to go find a new home, Elsa thought sadly.

Olaf got up and started to jump around.

"We're in New Yor-ork! We're in New Yor-ork! WE'RE IN-"

"Olaf!" Elsa exclaimed, who was very annoyed with him. "We get it!"

Olaf nodded and ran towards Starflight, who was curled up in a cute little Alicorn ball.

Elsa walked toward the door of the room with caution. She heard a lot of noises outside, like the beeping of horns, the chatter of people talking, and many, many animals.

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