Class pt 2

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I'm so happy!!!1! My science teacher called me Kris today. It wasn't in front of the class cause she doesn't take roll we have to sign in and stuff it was at the end of the class she was telling me about some science thing cause I told her I'm a science dork. She just said "Hey Kris" and yeah I was like smiling the whole rest of the day I was so happy.

She's the only teacher who i know is lgbt+ supportive besides my civics and economics teacher (who calls me by my last name cause he thinks it's cool) so she's the only one who calls me Kris instead of my birth name and I love it and her.

When i noticed she knew about my gender and everything was when her projector thingy was on and she had a roster sheet thingy under it and I'm the first one on there and it said Kris instead of my birth name which made me happy itself.

I'm like super nervous about next class period because she might be gone and so we'll have a sub and I really don't want a sub to be the first person who calls me Kris in front of the whole transphobic class. I don't want the sub to be transphobic either for obvious reasons.

Like if there's not gonna be a sub next time it'll be okay because I want her to be the first person to call me Kris in front of the class because she'll stop any bullying and all that stuff. So if there's a sub i will have an anxiety attack and die.

Kill me

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