Sam Smith

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Okay so Sam Smith recently came out as nonbinary and I love them.

I already loved them and their music, but this just makes me so happy since this is the first nonbinary celebrity I've seen or heard of.

I'm so happy for them and that they can be open about who they are and that they've found out who they are.

I've seen so much trans representation today (at least more than normal) like I watched jacksepticeye's new video playing the new South Park game and in it there's an "other" option when you're choosing your gender and if you choose male or female the counselor guy asks you if you're trans or cis and the developers are just so open minded and accepting of the whole thing it made me happy.

Another thing that made me happy (but isn't trans related) is that today one of my friends told me he's gay. He just now started hanging out with me and my best friend and today he was talking to us about how he likes Tyler Oakley and he was like "he's the only person gayer than me" and yeah that was great.

It's been a gay day, I hope you have one too


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