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I think it's time for another random facts about me.

I really enjoy coming up with facts about myself and you guys also seem to like these chapters so..

(also there's nothing else to write about)

Well okay, here we go.

1 My favorite song from a musical is Michael In The Bathroom from Be More Chill

2 My favorite vines include: "Miss Keesha? ohmyfuckingodshefuckindead." And "gimme yo fuckkin MONEY"

3 My favorite Harry Potter character that's a good guy is Sirius and my favorite villain is Bellatrix Lestrange.

4 I am a firm believer that dogs are better than cats. I love cats, but dogs are better.

5 I've recently become obsessed with Grey's Anatomy. Have some fun facts about surgery that will ruin your life: your body can literally catch on fire while doctors are performing surgery, sometimes surgeons accidentally leave things inside their patients during a surgery such as surgical tools, and you can wake up during a surgery and sometimes you won't be able to move anything or let them know you're awake so you're just sitting there doing nothing while you can feel them cut you open. (you're welcome)

6 Steven Universe is probably my favorite cartoon series though I haven't gotten very far in it.

7 My favorite author is John Green.

8 My favorite books series (besides hp) is the Orange manga series.

9 In my sophomore year of high school im going to do theater even though I'm a flaming introvert

10 My favorite ice cream flavor is vanilla (yes im aware of how boring I am)

11 My favorite anime character is either L from Death Note or Viktor Nikiforov from Yuri On Ice.

12 My favorite Disney movie always has and probably always will be The Little Mermaid.

13 I really want to be a YouTuber but I don't have any of the equipment for it.

14 Some of my favorite YouTube videos to watch are vine compilations and old Dan and Phil gaming videos.

15 Some of my otps include:
•Destiel from Supernatural
•Drarry from Harry Potter
•Yuri x Viktor from Yuri On Ice
•Haru x Makato from Free
•Rei x Nagisa from Free
•WolfStar (Lupin & Sirius) Harry Potter

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