Headcanon #41

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Leo wakes up a good two hours before his brothers in order to meditate uninterrupted in the dojo before morning practice.

I never wake up early for anything I always oversleep. 😂.I can barely walk my P.E. teacher made us run 2-3miles in the blazing heat and we needed to finish within a 25-30 minute zone and I got an F because his T.A. didn't mark my number down when I ran past him and we needed to run 4 laps and he said I only did 3. I said I did 4 and he said "no you only did 3 go do another lap and stop lying " I was so angry I did 4 laps and I have a knee problem ever since I was 7 and I told my teacher than he didn't give two shits he just said "oh ok go do another lap." I KNOW I did 4 laps don't be telling me I'm lying to have an A and I had do another lap so it could be "counted" and I was 10 minutes late to my other class and that's the type of class you don't want to be late for.
Have a lovely day my lovelies! 💕
(Sorry for the rant 😅)

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