Headcanon #109

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Donnie is completely addicted to coffee, though he denies it. He won't get out of bed in the morning without hearing the coffee grinder unless someone drags him out.

Same Donnie, same. I need my coffee in the morning. 😂 I had a shitty morning yesterday at school. In chemistry, my teacher told all of us to take out our homework and copy down the answers on the board that we got wrong. And I got a few wrong so I set aside my other papers to do the page I had a few wrong and I was facing forward but no my blindass teacher thought I was cheating and have me a 0 on this assignment. I hate my chemistry teacher she's so rude, like hello I'm facing forward I'm not turning my head to the side where my friend sits and copying off her paper. So yeah that happened. 😅 And last night I found out my older sister is pregnant. I honestly don't know how to feel about this one part of me is happy that I'm gonna be an aunt but another part of me is angry. She's trying to keep it a secret from my dad and if he finds out, all hell will break loose. It was a crazy day yesterday. 😅😅 Anyway how's life? 😊
Have a lovely day my lovelies! 💕

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