Headcanon #111

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Raphael isn't exactly jealous that Renet stole Mikey's heart, but more worried. He's afraid of losing his baby brother to a crush.

I love how overprotective Raph is with his brothers. 😍😍 I found out my older sister is coming on Christmas to tell my family, mostly my dad and other relatives, that she's pregnant. 😓 My dad just got done being mad at her for leaving and not having and explanation why and I feel like he's gonna lose his shit. There's three ways this could end. One, my dad will be excited and happy that he's gonna be a grandfather. Two, he will get angry and start yelling and make a scene in front of my aunts and uncles. And three, he could just never want to talk or to see her ever again. So yeah this Christmas is gonna be crazy. 😅😅 Anyway, how is your week going so far? 😊
Have a lovely day my lovelies! 💕

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