Headcanon #139

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Mikey's teddy bear was lost by another child, which got swept into the sewer and eventually found by Splinter. He gave it to Mikey, who he felt needed it the most out of the four.

I find it very adorable that Mikey still slept with his teddy bear in his teen-age years. 💛 Warning rant coming up: I will make up some names like Jes and Jake, so the people won't know it's them.
Y'all I am laughing right now cause this girl, her name is Jes, that my friends and I really hate lost all her friends. I know it sounds a little fucked up to say but Jes used everyone for their money. And she's and ungrateful little bitch. My sister, Kim, (⬅real name) bought her iced coffees everyday, and keep this in mind: my sister and I can't get free reduced lunch at out school anymore so we buy our own lunch at 7-11. The last day we got Jes an iced coffee she was like "oh next time get me a bigger cup and less ice and you forgot my protein bar can you go back and get me it?" Kim barely had money to pay for our lunch. Plus Jes thinks she's all that but she's not. She stole my sister's crush, Jake, and she laughed at Kim for liking him. And Jes said my sister can't talk to him cause he has a girlfriend. Kim tried to warn Jake that Jes is only gonna use him, but he called her crazy. Then Jes started talking to Jake to try to get him to date her. Like such a fucking hypocrit. It pisses me off knowing that this really hurt Kim. No one, and I mean no one, will do that to one of my friends or people that I really care about. And it's even worse since Kim is my sister. But yeah that's not even half of what happened but I'm gonna stop now. Sorry for ranting 😬😅.
Have a lovely day my lovelies! 💕

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