Headcanon #74

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Donnie often got into trouble because of his over curiosity. Due to this, Splinter has to keep a closer eye on him, even having to ask his other brothers to keep an eye on him too.

Donnie is too adorable! 😄😍💜 Ok y'all today is a big day. Everyone in my family right now hates my dad and they are all coming today to tell him
to shape up and let go of the past. He
made my older sister afraid to come
home to visit, he doesn't comfort my
mom anymore and he's trying to play
it off as if he were right. What's done
is done. He can't change the past. And
a divorce is really expensive so unless
he wants to pay for the divorce of my
sister and brother in law, then at least
he should be happy about my older
sister wanting to be independent. I
don't like my sister's choice of running off to get married but at least
she could've introduced him to the
family instead of keeping it a secret.
See now because of this I can't have any friends over and I can't go out with my friends without my dad
getting suspicious. I know a lot of girls
with guy friends. What's wrong with a
girl having guy friends? So yeah my family is coming today to tell him to
shape up cause right now  he's acting
like a total dick.
Have a lovely day my lovelies! 💕

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