Headcanon #73

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The turtles started to train fifteen years ago, and when they were little
kids, Master Splinter began to reach
them Ninjutsu gradually with games
and weapons made of foam/rubber.

That's adorable! 😄💙❤💜💛 I'm doing boxing in P.E. and that left me sore for 4 days. And I'm still sore. Man
I'm really out of shape. 😂 On the first
day of boxing, we were just learning
the basics and everyone had their fists
up to their waist instead near their face and my teacher called me out. He was like "See she's ready to fight! Who
wants to go against her?" I was the only one who had the stance right. And I was like heeeeell no. I can't fight. I mean I can fight but I choose not to. 😂😂😂 Holy crud I'm ranting again. Sorry! I'll stop now. 😂
Have a lovely day my lovelies! 💕

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