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I've been tagged and yep so let's get started! 😀 Enjoy the adorable turtle! ⬆⬆⬆⬆

1. Villian from anything you connect to the most?

Hmmm, I'm gonna have to say Hades from the Disney movie Hercules because I am very hot headed like him.

2. Favorite way of relaxing?

Laying on my couch with my fluffy blanket eating a tub of I've cream.

3. Best way you read?(I.e. laying down, upside down, on phone..)

Laying down on my phone

4. Colour that best represents your soul?

Black because once you get to know the real me, I'm a sarcastic bitch with attitude.

5. Was there ever a time where you did a bunch of shit but no one knew it was you? And if he's, then how?

Well this one time I pranked my entire family and they balmed it on my younger siblings. Classic pranls like water and flour.

6. What famous person would you rate as a perfect 10/10?

Chester Bennington. Hands down the best singer ever. He sang from the heart. R.I.P. to the best man ever.

7. What's the craziest thing a teacher ever done?

Getting a student (freshmen) arrested.

8. What quote do people say to you that is complete bullshit?

Keep calm and carry on. Sorry but when I'm pissed and people say that, o get even more pissed. You never tell a girl to keep calm when she's mad.

9. What would be the gag reel of your life?

When my friend and I were trying to state each other down but we couldn't keep a straight face on.

10. What was your best drop the mic moment?

Who remembers Jess? Ok so she was telling me how unimportant I am and that I should just leave and go kill myself I told her that if I ever wanted to kill myself I would climb her ego and and jump to her IQ and I walked off with fuckboys going OOOOHHHHHH!

Here are my questions:

1. Disney or Pixar?

2. What's the most annoying thing in the world?

3. Favorite celebrity, and why?

4. Best thing that has ever happned to you?

5. If you were a superhero, what power(s) would you have?

6. Online books or actual hardcover books?

7. Best childhood show?

8. Favorite song, and why?

9. What's the best movie you've seen this year?

10. Best way of spending your weekend?

I dont know how many people I should tag so I'll just tag a few.


Also thank you for 22K reads! 💕
Have a lovely night my lovelies! 💕

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