Headcanon #81

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Leo hasn't told anyone, but ever since
he woke up from his coma, the vision
in his right eye has been a bit blurry.
He's terrified of going blind.

Yikes that is kind of terrifying. 😲
So my uncle is starting a food truck and he wants me to work with him.
I think I might stop working with my mom and start working with my uncle. Free tacos for me! 😂🙌 I hope I can get free tacos if not free drinks! 😂 Oh and about the little date that I had My crush had to cancel cause of a family emergency so we're hopefully going today if not then oh well. 😶  My older sister called me yesterday and she said she had a "business proposition" for me. 😓 I have to doggysit her dog. She is bringing him on Wednesday and staying up until Sunday. Her dog is named moose. Its a weird name for a dog but ok and he follows me everywhere. If I go to the bathroom he follows me but he never enters he just stays there sitting in front of the door waiting until I get out. He's adorable and sweet but what I really like about him is that on Sunday my older sister left him at my house and I looked after him for a while so I decided to take a nap. When I woke up I found him sleeping next to me and his head was on my thigh. It was so adorable!! 🐶🐶😄😍 And if you actually read my little rant thank you! Also thank you for 5K reads!!!!!! I really appreciate it! 💕💕💕
Have a lovely day my lovelies! 💕

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