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Prologue: Deadbeat.

"I wanna thank all of you for coming out on you busy december night to celebrate my grand opening of Cartina|Coven. So all first drinks are on me, you have to be 21 so to my siblings dont get any ideas." Loso spoke into the crowd as he cut the ribbon. Everyone walked in and he spotted his Pops. He walked over and said, "Where is Dad?"

"At the Manor. He coming now. Keesha surprised him."

"Keesh in town? Cool." Loso said happily. Him and Pops clapped eachother up and walked into the bar.

Back at the Manor Deejay exhaled, "Keesha, if you dont hurry up in that damn--" The door opened and Keesha walked out looking fine as fuck.

"Lets go." She told him. They walked down stairs and just as he opened the door Keesha said, "We are riding in the pink Lambo!" Suddenly, the alarm went off that someone was at the gate. Deejay reached around the wall and pressed the button. The gate opened and he said, "Who could that be?" Keesha and Deejat seen all the blue and red lights flashing coming up to the Manor.

"Why are the cops here?" Keesha mumbled.

Deejay spoke, "Your guess is as good as mine." The police car door opened and an officer walked over. He handed him the search warrant.

"Search my house for--"

"Its a missing person and the young girls parents want her found. She hasnt been with them in almost a year and supposedly she came here after she delivered a baby." The officer explained.

Deejay said, "What? Raina left here after she had that baby. She left my son a note that her and her parents was leaving New York for sometime...along those lines. And if my child hasnt spoken to me in a year you really think I am going to just not come up here myself. This some bullshit."

"If thats the case, let me and my men search the Manor and be on our way." Officer Crow said as he motioned his men. They walked in and Deejay pulled his phone out. He dialed Rico number and said, "Rico, get to the Manor. Cops are here looking for Raina?"

"Raina? Why would she be at the Manor she left almost a fucking year ago." Rico said.

"Thats what I told them, but to her parents Raina never was contacting them so they put out a missing person report. Rico this is a huge mistake so dont even--"

Officer Crow came to the door and stated, "Is there a key to the basement?"

"Yeah, its under construction and have been for a year and a half. Its not safe to be--" Deejay stopped talking as he seen the look on the officer face. He walked up to the porch and handed over his keys.

"Its the Yellow one." He said. He followed the officer and the basement was unlocked. They walked down the stairs and the floor was all taken out and it was only a deep freezer down there. Officer Crow walked over and lifted the door open and the smell of rot and dead hit his nose. He looked back at Deejay and said, "So you still going to stick to that story--" He spoke into his walkie.

"We need the team down here we have a dead body." He spoke. Deejay eyes went wide and he said, "What the fuck?"

Deejay walked over towards the deep freezer and looked down in the freezer and started chuckling. The Officer looked back at him and said, "Is there something funny?"

Deejay snapped, "Yes. This isnt a body. This a damn deer. Its wrapped up in plastic. We was suppose to have deer last year, but my husband was absent and I wasnt skinning it. You can see for yourself. Is a girl nose and face that big." Deejay heartrate slowed down and he just couldnt believe this big fucking confusion. Officer Crow look inside and placed on a glove and ripped piece of the plastic. He noticed the deer and then spoke into his walkie.

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