Cartina Forever.

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warning: Tears. Tears. Tears.

Chapter 17: Cartina Forever.


"Peace. A word I found to not come very often when it deals with my family. Our problems, hardships, and craziness is what keeps us so tight...but I dont know after this last one I think it just took the cake. I dont know if I can handle it. My Heart cant bare this. Its been 2 months and I still can see all the blood. I still remember the screams." I told the therapist and he wrote a few things and replied, "Deejay, you have to talk about it. Its not healthy...."

"Healthy? I havent been to work, just been in the house. You dont understand the feeling of having your heart ripped out and watched it get squeezed into dust. I dont know whats beating inside my chest right now, because my heart shattered worse than it ever has on that day." I told him as he wrote a few more things before I continued, "I only agreed to come here because my husband thinks staying in that room will drive me crazy."

"Tell me about that day, Deejay. Tell me. Open up. This is our second session and nothing. We can discuss your son in—."

"They are fine. O.J is swimming his ass off and Olly gave up the Africa Volunteering and is at Brown. He likes to say it was a change of heart but I know its because of what happened....he doesnt want to be alone. Dream calls me everyday to check up on me." I confessed. He went down to his paper again and then he exhaled, "We going to have to discuss that day."

"It started off great. A great courtdate. A beautiful marriage between two close friends and then when Keesha went in was like a boulder being rolled down a steep hill. Everything went to shit—."


" fast and safe..we cant fucking crash." I told him as he crunk our car. We had Keesha between Julio and Jayceon in the backseat. He backed out of the parking lot and started towards the hospital.

"I cant believe this...I cant lose my babies..its too early." Keesha cried out and I reached back and grabbed her hand. We stared into eachother eyes and said, "They arent going to die. I promise. Just keep steadily breathing and kick, scream, and slap the hell out of their amazing fathers on the side of you because they are going to be fine. You have went thru alot of shit to make sure this happens. Tell me you are a bad bitch."

"Imma bad bitch! I went against my daughter and put my husband in prison for 8 years..I-I survived mom deaths, grandmothers death, Auntie death, my psycho ass ex. I got this.." She told me as I stared into her eyes. Rico blew the horn and snapped, "Grandma move the fuck out the way or get ran the fuck off the road." She looked at Jayceon and then at Julio.

"Yall did it. Im sorry I ruined it." She cried out as Jayceon rubbed her face.

"You didnt ruin anything. Do you want me to call Kurt?" He asked.

"Yes. Tell him to stop by the house and pick up Maylene—ouchhhh." She screamed as she grabbed at her stomach. I looked over at Rico and said, "Hurry up, please baby." I swung around and mistakenly hit the radio button. It blasted.

"Breaking news: 4 inmates have broken out of the county jail. Be on the look out for—." Rico reached and turned it off. He swerved the next corner and I seen the hospital in our very view. Everything was going to be has to be okay.

Moments later, Jayceon and Julio both carried Keesha into the emergency room as Rico led the pack. I quickly parked the car and ran inside to Rico snapping, "We going back there if you like it or not." at a small tiny nurse.

"Only immeadiate family." She said.

Jayceon stated, "I am her babydaddy..this is my husband as of 23 minutes ago. Him back there—." He pointed to me as I walked up and he continued, "Is her last living blood relative and the mad man about to ring your neck is his husband. We are her immeadiate fucking family." The nurse took a deep breath and allowed us access.

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