Cartina Free

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Chapter 6: Cartina Free.


"But you didnt say that?? You told us this wasnt invasive nor was in such a bad condition." I snapped at the Doctor outside of Oliander room door. He exhaled, "I am so sorry, but I am doing everything I could. I already called the facility and we are going to transfer him there for the surgeries. Its the only option. It will be one round of chemo and radiation and then both testes will be removed. We have him sedated to prevent him fainting or throwing up blood anymore." I took a few steps back and leaned on the wall. I took a deep breath and the doctor explained, "Again, I am so sorry. No one would have thought this. I wish I --"

"Leave. Leave me the fuck alone." I snapped as he took a deep breath and walked away. I walked back into the room and looked over at Oliander laying there in that bed. We have seen too many hospitals in our life together. I walked over and rubbed his forehead.

"Papi, I dont know if you think this is some kind of sick joke, but--but--" I wiped my tears and continued, "It aint funny. You cant leave me. You just cant. I wont allow it." I dropped my head and grabbed hold of his hand. I closed my eyes and a specific memory just flashed before me. The day I woke up in that bed after the whole bat to the head trauma. Seeing his face made it all worth it to fight for my life. He have alot of reasons.

"Imma go and take the kids home and Ill meet you at the facility." I told him as I leaned down and kissed his lips. I walked out of the room and told the Doctor my plans. I went down the hall tapping my thigh softly. I walked into the waiting room and all of them sprouted up.

Keesha spoke, "Is he okay?"

I took a deep breath and replied, "He is sedated and being transferred to the facility for the surgery and recovery." I broke into tears and they all rushed over to me. I hugged my kids, except O.J, and relished in love. O.J have freaking disappeared again. The funny thing is he aint coming back so where ever he ran to, better be equipped to take care of his ass. I allowed him back the first time, but since you want to leave again!! Bye!

Back at the house I pour the large mug of coffee and I heard feet slide into the kitchen. I turned around and it was Keesh.

"All of them are sleep. Just checked. Are you leaving?" She asked. As I twisted on the cap I replied, "Yup. The transfer nurse just called and told me he left for the facility." I rushed passed her and she stopped me.

"Breathe, everything--"

"Dont!" I warned her. She followed me towards the door and I continued, "Im sick of being told its going to be okay....everytime someone say that it gets worse. Im fucking over it. Its like everything I love gets taken away. Keesha, just watch the kids ill be back in a few hours, days,--"

"Hey! Im here. Take as long as you want. Its okay to cry. Crying dont mean you weak. Grandma always told me crying means you are bold enough to let people know what you are scared of. I am here. Auntie Keesha will make sure everything is in order and when you get back I got a confession." I squinted at her and rushed over and gave her another hug. I grabbed my luggage and Olianders. I wondered what she meant, but didnt have time to pry at her brain.

"X has jumped on a flight. He will be there with me. Thanks. Tell the kids--"

"They know." Keesh stated. I hugged her again before opening the door and rushing out and over to my Pink Lambo. I hopped in and pulled off. I dialed O.J phone and it went straight to voicemail.

"O.J no need to tell you who this is, as my number is saved and your fowarded this call. I aint calling you to tell you to come home. I am over it. You wanna be grown, you got your damn wish. Just make sure to take care of my grandson...and when shit get rough dont you dare call or even try to come home. Your Pops and I made sure you kids get the most leeway and I guess thats our fault, but this is all on you. You are officially cut the fuck off. Love you though, wish you the best."

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