Swish, Swish

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Chapter 5: Swish, Swish.

New Years Eve.


"Dream, everything will be fine. You have to go back to school." I told her as she sat on her bed. She laughed, "No the heck I am not. Yall cant keep this kind of stuff from us and then expect not a blow back of some sort. We arent little kids anymore and when yall realize that things like this will go smooth." I crossed my arms before moving over and sitting next to her on the bed.

"Pops is going to be fine. He starts treatment at a facility a couple hours away in a few days. Being that he told yall...he has made the choice to come home after his rounds of chemo and stuff. He just didnt want to worry yall." I told her as she exhaled and snapped, "That aint the damn point. How would you feel if I got pregnant and waited til 9 months to tell you because I didnt want you to worry."

"First off pregnancy better be the last thing on your mind--"

"Dont dare change the the subject--Dad, I have been literally lost the last few days. Cant sleep. Researching everything I can. This is utter bullsh--"

"I know--I know." I cried out to her as she dropped to her knees and we started hugging.

"Dad I dont wanna leave and then something goes wrong and I am not here. I can change all my classes to the online version for the first half of the semester. And by the time thats over he should be cured. I have thought this thru and I aint leaving him." She told me and I regret having smart children. They think everything out and make it hard to say no to.

"I will talk to your Pops and we will see what is best. Dont hold your breath. Now shower and get dress. Loso having family night at the club for New Years." I told her. She wiped her face and I walked back across into the house and I heard O.J snapping in the kitchen.

"You got to be fucking kidding me!" He snapped. I rushed into the kitchen and saw he was on the phone. He hung up and banged on the countertop. I said, "O.J, whats wrong?"

"That was Raina Mom. The evidence that was found is gone and the files are gone. The Facility was robbed or broken into or something....this is bullshit. Now they back to square one. Its been one thing after antoher." He snapped at me as he rushed passed me and flew upstairs. I took a deep breath and walked over to the cabinet and pulled out the bottle of Jack Daniels and pour me a shot. I threw it back and swallowed. I took a deep breath and I heard Rico say, "Is it an extra one?" I chuckled as he walked in and gave me a kiss.

"They boarded the plane?" I asked talking about Carlee and company. He finally talked her into leaving. She agreed to go home and her and Romeo are still at odds about their new baby being he is about to he an undercover agent for a big Narcos case in Miami.

"Yeah. How is everyone here?" He asked.

"Olly hasnt came out the room. However, he did agree to come to Loso party at the club. O.J is pissed passed the point he was already because the evidence is gone or something that the cops found on those woods...Dream is standing hard on her point of staying. You may need to talk to her. D and Ri are giving me fake smiles and shit. This is why I said to tell them. I know you wanted to protect them but look what happened. I dont know how they found out but they did and now I am the bad person." I explained and he squinted his eyebrow.

"Explain?" He asked in a harsh tone. I walked away from him to pace the kitchen.

"They arent going to be mad at Pops...he has cancer. However, its me. Im the parent they feel didnt tell them. Its just too much. And now I-I-" I stopped as Rico grabbed my hand and I stared up at him.

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