Gang Related

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Chapter 7: Gang Related.


"You know I never thought I would change. I was kicked out of my house at age 12. Never looked back. I figured if that coked up whore and nigga aint wont me then so be it...but like they say the apple doesnt fall far from the tree. By Age 15 I was living with my Drug Dealing Uncle and testing his coke out for him. He cook it up and I try it out. Now I stand here 21 finally ready to give it all up, go back to school and join the police force ." The black chocolate young boy said across from Keesha in the group circle. Keesha rolled her eyes clapped. She had been at rehab that her aunt forced her to for 2 months and she is over it. She looked over and seen the nurse Johnny staring over at her and mouthing for her to participate. He teased her as he went in her pocket and pulled out a jello cup.

Keesha sat up as the therapist called at her.

"Keesha...if you wouldnt mind its your go. Kurt has finally spoken and you are the last one to finally speak." Therapist Young told her in that fake ass "im trying to help you" voice. Keesha crossed her arms and exhaled, "First off no need for that fake ass voice or those horrible ass shoes....its like you aint fooling no one with those Ross store brought ass red bottoms. Now Kurt may have opened up to you because he wanted to and I am simply not ready. When I want to talk and open up I will."

Therapist Young took a deep breath and replied, "Okay, Casey its your turn--"

30 Minutes later group time was over and Keesha rushed over to the snack table. She grabbed a napkin and mumbled, "I am about to fuck these chocolate chips cookies up."

Suddenly, she heard a chuckle from behind her and she turned around and seen Kurt.

"Oh you heard me?" She asked.

"Yeah and if you want I have a connect with the cook... if you want to dip your cookies in my milk that is fine." He said before smiling before he realized how sexual and weird that sounded.

She laughed, "As tempting as that sound...I am going to pass. I have connects too and a jello date waiting for me." She walked off and Kurt watch her ass as she walked away. He took a deep breath and said, "So help me God."

Present Day.


"Soon. Very Soon." I lied to my daughter as I texted her while sitting on the living room couch enjoying some Hot Cocoa. I wasnt coming home just yet. Suddenly, my phone started ringing and I thought it was Johnny. It was actually Deejay.


"Hey, I wanted to talk to you. I am coming home for the weekend. He goes into surgery in the morning and after he is out X and I are driving back up to the house." He told me as I took a few sips.

"Thats good and everything is good here dont you worry. So if you wanna stay—" He cut me off and stated, "No. I wanna come and talk to the kids. Rico is deciding to come home. He doesnt want to be here during recovery. Its isnt a sure thing, but I want to make sure the kids are okay. Dont tell them I wanna surpise them."

"You got it. Also, we need to talk. I have a confession. So Yeah...see you then. Love you." I told him as I vaguely hinted at the truth my heart raced just thinking of pulling the wool from over his eyes. He told me he love me too and hung up. I rose up and walked into the kitchen. I cleaned out the mug as the buzz went off at the gate.I went over to the far wall and stared at the camera. It was a police marked car. I squinted and let him in. If this is about O.J I swear. Deejay told me not to let him in, but I might just let him in to fuck his ass up. I allowed the cop in and went over to coat closet and grabbed the Hermes belt and a trench coat from it. I was about to wax his ass. I unlocked the door and went out on the porch. I quickly threw the coat on as the car came up and stopped. I couldnt see who got out of the driver seat because of the lights. Just as he came up my heart stopped. A familiar face, much older and mature but definitely the same guy.

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