I look to you

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Chapter 16: I Look To You.


"Stop freaking playing and take the photo right!" I snapped at O.J and Olly as they finally stopped playing and smiled dressed in their graduation cap and gown.

"Alright...we have to go get in line and I have to make sure this boy dont forget none of his lines." O.J said towards his brother and they rushed off inside the venue of choice for graduation. I waited back til Rico and the others get here. Luckily with their 5 tickets a piece we got to invite ten people. I spotted Rimah and waved her down. She tapped Rico shoulder and pointed to me.

Rico, D, Rimah, And Keesha walked up.

"Where is Loso, Mick, and Carlee?" I asked Rico and he replied, "They will be here...lets go inside and get the seats. And seriously we are paying that school too much money..graduation at a wine vineyard? They are clearly getting over paid." Rico was right this place is expensive ass shit for just a tasting. We walked in and found a row and we took charge of it making sure no one else can even get in. Just as I sat down next to Rico and was about to grab Baby Teddy from his arm...my phone buzzed.

"Its Loso."

"Dad, come out here. We need your help." He told me. I exhaled and walked back out made sure to get a stamp on my hand by the usher so I would be able to return. I walked down the pavement and manuevered thru lots of folks.

"Carloso, where are you?" I spotted him and hung up the phone. I walked up to him and gave him a hug and asked, "Where is Mick—." I spotted a familiar face behind him and rushed over and hugged Dream. We both laughed and she said, "You really think I would missed this."

"We was on the facetime literally last night."

"I know. I was packing at the same time. Classes ended last week and I have few weeks before summer classes start...I figure I pop up." She told me before hunging her again. I miss her so damn much. I looked over at Loso and asked, "Where Mick?"

"We will talk later..." He told me all serious and it must be. Ohh lordd what the fuck happened now? We came back inside at the right time and because they was getting ready to walk in. Everyone stood up as that played out yet classic graduation song started playing. Olyver walked out first being he was first in his class.  We all screamed, "GO OLLLYYY!!!!"

"Uncho!!" Teddy screamed. Rico added, "Dont trip." Olly felt so ashamed. He hated attention and I didnt care. I am so proud of him. He is going to change the world at Brown University in the fall. Moments later we cheered for O.J and he was throwing his hands up fist pumping in shit. He spotted Dream and stated, "Sis—." He then looked over at his son and said, "Im doing this all for you Teddy." My heart got all warm. Him becoming a Teen Dad put him on straight, because lord knows he was headed down a familiar path, his Pops path. I was pissed at first, but he stepped up. He have given us hell these last few years and to see him graduating and off to college in Malibu is all too real.

Moments Later....

Principal Apa spoke into the mic, "This class sitting behind me was one of the best classes to come out of my school as my reign as principal. Best in not only sports, but academics as well. The GPAs of the top ten this year was next level. We reached and surpassed our goal of 500K in scholarships and the Valdectorian Olyver Cartina brought in 235K in them—." The audience clapped and he continued, "So without any prolonging here he is. The Valdectorian."

Olyver stood up and walked over towards the podium and took a deep breath.

"High School. High school was the most dramatic three years of my life. School has always been second nature to me. Especially growing up in a big family...everyone tries to have something to compete with eachother with. And I didnt care as long as I knew what Quatum theory was I was fine. My time at this school will always be the best times I have ever had. When trying to figure out the best words to sum it up...I got stuck. Stuck not because I was flabbergasted or didnt have nothing to say, but High school cant be described in words. Its a feeling. Its something that comes over you and then it all goes away when its time to step into the real world and actually make something of yourself. A few months ago I had decided to try to take my life and it may sound crazy but during my healing process I relevation come of it. That my brain isnt my only asset. My heart is too and my passion was always to help people in need. So I have turned down all of my offers and have accepted the year-long volunteer work in Africa helping build homes for orphans. School will always be there, but people in need is more important to me at this moment. So from my class to the wonderful faces that made sure we was sitting here today from parents to staff...We are grateful for it all." The entire rave of people stood up and went to clapping there damn hands off. Deejay wiped his tears and Rico wrapped his arm around him.

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