Final Goodbye(Part 2)

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Chapter 11: Final Goodbye(Part 2)


"Did you not hear him? He fucking killed Raina in your damn office. I cant believe this. What are we going to do? We have to do something right? Do it make us bad parents if we do nothing?" I threw all these questions at Rico as we stood in the kitchen. Everyone except for O.J and Olly went for pizza in town with Carlee and Loso.

"What are we going to do? We cant turn our own son in for murder...we both have murdered someone and by the story it is an accident. I cant see Olly hurting a damn fly." Rico exhaled and licked his lips.

"I blame it on tv. Burning up bodies and shit. I cant even imagine how O.J feel. Olly needs some type of punishment. How do you punish a murderer without jail?" I asked and my mind just went else where. I leaned on the counter and Rico walked over towards me and wrapped his arms around me. He kissed my forehead and whispered, "Im going to handle this. I promise. You just—." My phone rung and I seen Maylene name. I exhaled, "Ohh lord. Johnny must have been served the papers and spazzing.

"Hey baby." I said as I answered the phone.

"Uncle Deejay...My Dad was suppose to pick my friend and I up from the movies but he isnt here. Can you come?" She asked me. I laughed a bit and said, "Baby you are wayy in LA—."

"No My Dad and I came here to surprise my mom. He dropped us here and went to cabin to get everything figured out first. I tried to uber to the cabin and lets just say they cant find it." She told me. My heart dropped.

"Im going to call you right back. Stay right there. Im coming. Txt me what movie you at?" I hung up and quickly dialed Keesha mumbling, "Hurry up. Hurry up."

"Whats wrong?" Rico asked. I didnt reply. Her phone went straight to voicemail. We heard the front door slam. Rico ran off. I tried Keesha again. I bit my lip and ran around and said, "Rico...ride up to the cabin."

"Why? Thats where O.J is headed. He wants to stay the night to calm down." He told me. I ran for the door screaming No. I opened it and seen the gate closing back from the porch.

"Call him and tell him to get back here." I snapped. Rico replied, "We took their phones and whats wrong?"

"Johnny is at the cabin and Keesha isnt answering the phone. You jump in your car and go there. Call the cops on the way." I told him as he grabbed his keys and took off. My heart was beating fast. I hope nothing bad is happening, but he hasnt been as sane via Keesh and to be served with papers and jump on a aint for tea and biscuits.

"No Peace. Its never any peace." I mumbled as I grabbed my car keys to go and pick up Maylene. I txted Olly as I crunk up the Rangerover.

"Everyone left. Lock the front door. We will talk when I get home."


Olly phone rang from his bed as he sat naked in the bathroom tub letting the water run down his head trickling down to his body. He felt so fucking bad. Sad. Alone. Feared. His mind keep going back to when confessed and his parents looked at him when such disappointment. The first time he ever let them down and it was on large scale. He then was dealing with Zo still ignoring him. It was all hitting him at once. Olyver Cartina was broken and didnt know what to do. He usually was always five or even ten steps of everything. Now he dont know and is completely scared, shitless. He looked over at the cabinet and stepped out of the tub. He walked over towards the cabinet and opened it. He seen all the pill bottles, but he tossed them out one by one saying, "Too weak. Too weak. Too weak." He closed the mirror back and an idea popped into his head. He grabbed his dry off towel and broke the glass. The mirror shattered all over the sink and floor. He fished for the biggest piece. He grabbed it. He stared into it and said, "Goodbye." He felt as if he needed to pay for what he had done. He felt as if an eye for an eye was coming into play.

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