Love is a 2 way street

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Chapter 15: Love is a 2 way street.

Deejay walks up to the door and knock hard ass fuck. He backs up and waits as Julio comes out and closes the door back. He stares at Deejay and Deejay slaps fire from his face.

"What the fuck happened?" Deejay argued. Julio rubbed his face and replied, "it went too far. We went to just talk him into doing the right thing. He choked Jayceon and then preceded to be knocked out. We took him here and now he is tied up and gagged in a chair in the living room."

"A judge...a member of the fucking New York State Judicial System. Not only did  yall break into his home...but took him hostage and possibly looking at a attempted murder charge." Deejay read Julio ass and Julio dropped his head. He exhaled, "I know, but you have to fix this, because well we are fucked if you dont." Deejay paced the floor and rubbed his chin as he walked. Thoughts ran thru his brain and he begun to chuckle. Julio gave him a look and said, "If something is funny, please let me know."

"This mistake just ruined this case and that so called justice we wanted is now null and fucking void. I have a plan but it will ruin this whole case. I told you dont fuck this up and thats exactly what happened. Now a DNA test will not only destroy that child, but do absolutely nothing to his nasty ass father slash uncle because you didnt follow instructions." Deejay snapped as she shook his head and brushed passed him. He opened the door and walked in. Judge Hedlock and him locked eyes and he went to mumbling under the gag.

Deejay took it off and he gasped, "You two can kiss your jobs goodbye. I am going to make sure you two are disbarred." Deejay exhaled, "No.No you wont."

"Why not? These two cocksuckers fucking took me hostage all at your hand. All to prove what??? I didnt never touch my sister...I mean without not wanting it. Everytime I slid my dick into her she loved it and our love made a child...A perfect child against all biological odds." He boasted. He didnt care becuade this situation was not happening as far as the public eye was concerned, so he felt ballsy enough to admit it.

Deejay chuckled, "Oh.Oh.Oh. See the reason my two dumb ass workers went to you because they had respect that you will come clean. We have the most incriminating information against you. See after finding your father—."

"Our father is—."

"Oh we know. A Complete dead end, however your child hood tree house in your family know wood soaks up any liquids for your semen was in there all this time and we had it scanned. Results came in an hour ago...fresh out of the lab now before we go public with all of this I have a deal for you."

"What is it?" He asked. He was eager. Deejay chuckled, "Ohhh now I got your attention. I bet I do. Now look they may have went too far with all of this and I guess fate wants you free and I know you are not going to bring this up because then that DNA will definitely be released. Now us cocksuckers know how to use our mouths really good so do we have a deal?"

"Yes. Deejay untie me now! And stay the fuck out of my life." Judge Hedlock stated before I Deejay went around the chair and told him, "Stay away from her. I may not be able to get you for this, but I am going to make sure her or that child never needs to see you again. You sick son of a bitch." He rushed out and closed the door. I stared over at Julio and he asked, "Can wood actually soak up liquid over so many years?"

"I dont know...I came up with that on the fly. But if it do it doesnt matter because its over. Use my firm account and wire 250K to our client and her son. I have to go." Deejay instructed him before Julio apologized again for this terrible mistake.


"Im so serious....I wouldnt lie about that. I was literally taken hostage by my Pops old friend." Olly told Q as they laid entangled in the bed. Naked bodies touching. Olly ass up on his crotch as Q covered his entire body with his arms.

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