In Front Of My Son

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Chapter 12: In Front of My Son.



"Bae...Its your phone." Rico grunted as I rolled over off of his bare chest. I looked at the time and it was 4:55 in the morning. I grabbed it and answered. It was an unknown number.

"Hello." I said with a raspy voice.

"Ive been outside your firm for an hour, but I just figured to call. I am Miranda Hedlock and I want to press charges against my brother. He is raping me." She confessed and I sat up.

"Miranda are you—."

She cut me off, "Evidence I know is important...and well being that he just did it literally 4 hours ago. A rape kit can definitely confirm." I heard her cry and my heart went out to her. I hopped out of the bed, naked. Being I was just riding that rican dick hours ago.

"Im going to call my partner and he will be there in less than 30 minutes, but I am on the way." I told her. I hung up and called Julio. He answered on the third ring and I told him what was going on. I hung up and Rico leaned over and cut the lights on.

"Whats going on?" He asked. I went over to the closet and grabbed a suit and explained. He grunted, "Call me when you get there." After a shower and getting dressed, I walked out of the room and downstairs. I heard noise in the kitchen. I walked over and seen Olly enjoying a bowl of cereal. I walked in slowly and said, "Yeah. I am about to go on my 5:30 run. Why you all dressed up already?"

"got an emergency case. You sure you okay?" I asked. After bursting into that bathroom and seeing all the blood and thought I lost my mind went on a frenzy. The last four months I have been on eggshells with him. I know he felt guilty about killing Raina, but he has a life to live.

"Dad, you dont have to keep doing this fake persona for me. I am okay. You dont have to worry about me hurting myself." He told me and I walked into the kitchen and skipped this conversation, "I wanna confess something to you, but you have to promise not to tell any of your siblings. The only people know about this is Pops, UncleX, and AuntieKeesha—."
He slowly put the spoon down and I sat beside him on the other barstool and said, "When I around O.J of my mom friends tried to rape me and I ended up killing him." Olly gasped as I continued, "I felt horrible and that I was not worthy of life. However, I had to realize that one decisions doesnt define the ones to come. Olyver I dont love you any less , but I am scared that with the brilliant mind you have you feel as thought you deserve something bad to happen to you." I wrapped my arm around his neck and he leaned on me and replied, "Dad, I just thought you would hate me. That I let you down."

"What? You are a kid. You suppose to let us down with the mistakes that you make, but the love between this family will NEVER break. Cartina strong is wayy bettern than being Ford Strong." I told him as I kissed his forehead. He exhaled and asked, "I have decided my major also. I was stuck between engineering or medicine...and I am going to become a not only save people but to bring your dream that you had to let go to the forefront."  I smiled at him and said, "I have to get down to the firm, but Ill see you later and I will work on not stepping on eggshells, but its going to take time."

"Deal and I am going over to Carlee's to give her some company. Loso called the other day saying she was in labor and she just was having Braxtons Hicks." He told me and I laughed, "I know right. I was about to run out in the damn storm. Love you, babyboy."

"Love you too, Dad." He told me as I walked out and seen the front door closing. Who the fuck was that? I rushed out of the door and seen O.J unlocking his car door.

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